SQL Compare v13.0.x

Microsoft SQL Server 2017をサポート
10月 16, 2017


  • SQL Compare now requires .NET 4.6.1.
  • Improved the installer UI for SQL Compare.
  • SQL Compare now supports altering SQL Server 2017 graph tables.
  • SQL Compare now deploys SQL Server 2017 graph tables declared with AS NODE or AS EDGE.
  • SQL Compare now appends a logging statement at the end of the deployment script to log the deployment details to SQL Server Log in order for SQL Monitor to detect the deployment and mark it on the timeline for performance data. Note that this feature is currently in-trial and available for any edition of SQL Compare. However, it'll soon only be available for SQL Toolbelt.
  • SQL Compare now lists SQL Server Management Studio 17 as a default script editor.
  • SQL Compare now remembers passwords in the Windows Credential Store, as well as the project file.
  • SQL Compare now supports customization on history tables for temporal tables, such as customized indexes.
  • SQL Compare now supports the HISTORY_RETENTION_PERIOD option on temporal tables.
  • The SQL Compare parser now accepts DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION syntax.


  • SC-9739: Group header rows in the SQL diff viewer now display an equal or not-equal icon as required.
  • SC-9709: Fixed an issue saving a backup snapshot when the option to save a snapshot is not selected.
  • SC-9724: SQL Compare now doesn't wrap $PARSER in square quotes when used within a table column.
  • SC-9742: SQL Compare now handles rebuilds of tables which are both temporal and memory optimized.
  • SC-9740: Ensured that warning messages correctly show a title next to the icon
  • SC-9727: Fixed an issue saving and reading scripts folders with graph tables
  • SC-9700: SQL Compare wraps the default values of DateTime and DateTime2 parameters defined in a stored procedure in single quotes
  • SC-9653: SQL Compare now supports the use of the non-reserved keyword MATCH, in the body of text objects.
  • SC-9720/SC-9696: SQL Compare now handles comparison of whitespace and comments more consistently when the IgnoreWhitespace or IgnoreComments options are set.
  • SC-9669: SQL Compare command line comparison no longer lists differences in temporal tables' automatically generated columns, when static data is included in the comparison.
  • Row-level security policy block predicates are now correctly registered from on-premise live databases
  • SQL Compare no longer offers Summary View option for text objects such as Stored Procedures and Functions.
  • SC-9715: fix an issue where incorrect credentials could be used when registering, after typing server names into the connection dialog.
  • SC-9645: CREATE OR ALTER PROC is now scripted correctly
  • SC-9548: SQL Compare will now correctly create fulltext indexes if the IgnoreTransaction option is selected
  • SC-9685: SQL Compare now uses DEFAULT instead of the text of your default when coercing nulls to a column's default value
  • SC-9662: The command line now displays your serial number correctly
  • SC-9657: SQL Compare now filters whitespace and comments more consistently when the IgnoreComments option is set
  • SC-9668: ALTER statements aren't duplicated if 'Add object existence checks' option is set
SQL Compare

SQL Compare(英語版)

SQL Serverデータベーススキーマの比較と同期


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