SQL Compare(英語版)
SQL Serverデータベーススキーマの比較と同期
Redgate Software 社の製品
2005 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。
価格:¥ 66,000 (税込)〜 バージョン: 15.4.x 新機能 更新日: Nov 22, 2024 (3)
SQL Compare is a tool for comparing and synchronizing SQL Server database structures. It is used by over 150,000 database administrators, developers and testers. SQL Compare automates the process of distributing database changes made on a local database to testing, staging or live databases on remote servers.
SQL Compare compares and synchronizes SQL Server database schemas.
SQL Compare is an industry-standard tool for comparing and synchronizing SQL Server database schemas. It is used by over 150,000 developers, DBAs and test engineers worldwide because it is easy to use, it is fast, and it...
今すぐ Redgate Software ライセンススペシャリストとライブ チャット。