Wijmo Enterprise 2020 v3

データの範囲選択コンポーネントを追加、CollectionViewの機能を改善、Vue 3とReact 17をサポート
11月 11, 2020


  • Wijmo supports Vue 3
    • Wijmo has added support for the Vue 3 official release (version 3.0.0). GrapeCity upgraded the wijmo.vue2.* modules to support Vue 3, so you can continue using the same Vue interop library from Wijmo.
  • Wijmo supports React 17
    • Wijmo has added support for React version 17. GrapeCity have updated the wijmo.react.* modules to support the latest version of React, so you can update your Wijmo packages and upgrade to React 17 now.
    • Added a guide for using datagrids in React that covers much more than just Wijmo.
  • Wijmo supports Angular 11 RC
    •  GrapeCity have recently tested Wijmo against Angular 11 RC1 without any issues. You can use the existing wijmo.angular2.* modules in Angular 11 RC today.
  • New Date Range Picker
    • Wijmo now includes a new InputDateRange control for adding date range selections to your applications with ease.
    • Specify custom date ranges that users can pick from (like "Yesterday," "This Week," "Last Month," etc.), or they can use the multi-month calendar in the drop-down to select date ranges with the mouse or keyboard.
    • Added new date range picker demos:
      • JavaScript InputDateRange Demo.
      • Angular InputDateRange Demo.
      • React InputDateRange Demo.
      • Vue InputDateRange Demo.
  • Flexible Layout for Multiple Pie Charts
    • FlexPie has supported multiple pie charts in one chart surface for some time. Now GrapeCity have added the ability to control the layout of the charts.
    • The addition of the chartsPerLine option gives you the ability to define how many charts to display before wrapping to the next line. This option gives you much more control over how FlexPie fits into your application.
    • Added new demos for multiple pie chart layout:
      • JavaScript Multiple Pie Chart Layout Demo.
      • Angular Multiple Pie Chart Layout Demo.
      • React Multiple Pie Chart Layout Demo.
      • Vue Multiple Pie Chart Layout Demo.
  • Calculated Fields in CollectionView
    • CollectionView now includes a compelling new feature for adding calculated fields to your dataset.
    • Calculated fields offer dynamic values that are updated automatically as data changes.
    • Any Wijmo control that binds to CollectionView can use this powerful new feature.
  • Multiple Error Reporting in CollectionView
    • CollectionView validation has been supported for a while now, but when a row in FlexGrid had multiple errors (rare case), the rowHeader error tooltip only showed the first error message. GrapeCity have improved the error message to now include all errors in the entire data item by default.
    • The new error message makes the information more useful and the data grid more user-friendly.
New Data Range Picker.


企業向けアプリ開発用の高性能のJavaScript UIコンポーネント



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