ComponentOne .NET UI ControlsAward-Winning .NET UI Controls for Mobile, Web, and Desktop.
FlexGridIndustry leading datagrid with top features including on-demand loading, Excel-like filtering, editing, cell customization, and grouping.
FlexChartWith 80+ .NET chart types and DirectX rendering, FlexChart's data visualizations will bring life to your apps. Top features include flexible data binding, annotations, scrolling, and analysis features.
Financial ChartsCreate stunning stock visualizations with the powerful financial chart component.
FlexReportDeliver quick and beautiful reports for your business applications, complete with data visualization and code-free report building.
FlexGrid’s Excel Like FilteringEnable filtering on any column's data by condition or value. FlexGrid supports drop-down filters in the column headers like Microsoft Excel with special filter editors for different data types.
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise(英語版) のスクリーンショットComponentOne Chart for WPF is an advanced and easy to use charting control for your WPF applications. ComponentOne Chart for WPF brings you powerful rendering, animations and data-binding capabilities. You can also display your chart in a Smart Client application or take advantage of XBAP support and extend your deployment capabilities to the Web. ComponentOne Chart for WPF includes advanced features the possibility to enhance a 3D chart element's appearance by applying ambient, directional, point, and spot lighting to change the effects of the light source or Axis scrolling or customization.
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise(英語版) のスクリーンショットAJAX-enabled virtual scrolling for a fixed-height grid with a vertical scroll bar available. The VirtualScrollSize property (default=30) specifies the number of records to fetch on callback.
WebInput for ASP.NETThe C1WebMaskEdit control is an enhanced TextBox control that uses an input mask to distinguish between proper and improper user input
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise(英語版) のスクリーンショットEasily group, sort, filter, resize, and reorder columns at run time all through simple Microsoft Outlook-style drag-and-drop interaction
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise(英語版) のスクリーンショットComponentOne PDF for WinForms PDF now supports AcroForms/AcroFields support. You can create Acrobat forms with the following filed types: textbox, checkbox, radio button, push button, combo box, and list box
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise(英語版) のスクリーンショットAlso included in the ComponentOne Studio Enterprise is ComponentOne Studio for iPhone. ComponentOne Studio for iPhone is a suite of ASP.NET components developed to mimic the look and feel of the native UI of the iPhone and iTouch. Studio for iPhone also includes support for the top smart phones in the market including Android OS, Droid, Nexus One, Palm Pre or Opera Mini.
ComponentOne ReportViewer for ASP.NET AJAXPacked with rich features like zooming, paging, thumbnails, outlines, and more, ComponentOne WebPaper technology unleashes the capabilities of reporting in ASP.NET. ComponentOne ReportViewer for ASP.NET AJAX uses WebPaper to create pixel perfect reports in a high fidelity graphical form. C1ReportViewer has built-in toolbars for navigation, searching, printing, and exporting reports, and integrates with other reporting formats including Crystal Reports, Access, and Microsoft SQL Reporting Services. Turn any of your Web reports into printable, Web-ready documents in minutes.
Unbound ScenariosC1FlexGrid control for flexibility and unbound scenarios.
Extend the Microsoft Grid ControlComponentOne datagrid controls extend the Microsoft grid control.
Combination Chart
3D Surface Chart
3D Elevation Chart
Doughnut Chart
Report ViewerEmbed customizable viewers into HTML5, WPF, WinForms, ASP.NET, Silverlight, or Flash applications.
Expression Black ThemeReport Viewer Expression Black Theme
PreviewReport Designer Preview
New StyleReport Designer New Style.
LayoutReport Designer Layout
ScheduleSample schedule overview.
Built in ViewsScheduling solution comes with five built in views.
ThemesOffice 2010 Theme
Menu & ToolbarPowerful Suite of Menu & Toolbar Controls.