Actipro Gauge for WPF について


Actipro Gauge for WPF は WPFフレームワーク用の円形、線形、そしてデジタルゲージコントロールを実行できるコントロールセットです。それぞれのゲージコントロールは、無制限の可能性を備えて、利用可能なたくさんのオプションを持っています。ゲージコントロールは簡潔で、コンパクトなエリアでいくつかのデータポイントを表示するのに理想的です。自動車ダッシュボードから、ゲージを使う医学や工業設備まで、そして速くユーザーによって識別、そして理解を得ることができます。円形、そして線形ゲージは、特定の範囲によってつながれて、値、あるいは値を提供するのに理想的です。デジタル計器は現実の LEDディスプレイをそのまま表現しています。Actipro Gauge for WPF は同様に Actipro WPF スタジオの一部として購入することができます。

Actipro Gauge for WPF Features

  • Circular and Linear Gauges - Circular and linear gauges can recreate everything from speedometers to thermometers and rolling scales.
  • Scales and Ticks - Multiple scales can be added to each gauge, which determines the overall placement of elements like tick marks and pointers. Labels and major/minor tick marks can be added anywhere along a scale.
  • Ranges - Ranges use color bands to highlight areas of interest in a gauge. The start and end values and thickness can be configured, allowing ranges to get thinner or thicker as they move along a scale.
  • Pointers - Pointers are represented by a needle, mark, bar, or label and smoothly animate to indicate a value. Dampening and refresh rate options help with presentation of quick-changing values.
  • Appearance - Everything in a gauge's appearance can be fully-customized and tailored to suit your display needs. Other features include the ability to interactively drag pointers, embed other UI elements anywhere in a gauge, dynamically scale a gauge, and add special value converters for returning the average, minimium, or maximum values supplied thus far.
  • Digital Gauges - Digital gauges can recreate segmented LED displays, such those found on odometers in modern cars, marquees, and calculators.
    • 7-Segment (Normal)
    • 14-Segment (Normal)
    • 7-Segment (Trapezoid)
    • 5-by-7 Dot Matrix (Ellipse)
    • 5-by-7 Dot Matrix (Rectangle)
  • Appearance - Digital gauges include several built-in frame rims and backgrounds with customizable colors. Glass effects can be applied for a more realistic look.
  • Character Display - Several ASCII characters and all numbers can be displayed using the various character types. The size, skew amount, and number of characters can be set.
  • Refresh Rate - Set a refresh rate to restrict how fast the value is repainted so the end user can read the values before they update, which is useful with quick-changing values.
  • Scrolling Marquee - Digital gauges can align the displayed text to the left or right. Or they can scroll using a configurable interval, allowing long text to be presented using a marquee effect.
  • LEDs - The LED control emulates a LED light, which can be turned on and off, or set to blink using a configurable interval.
  • Toggle Switches - The toggle switch control supports three states (on, off, and indeterminate), and has animated state changes.