Actipro Grids for WPF について


Actipro PropertyGrid for WPFはネイティブの Windows Forms プロパティグリッドのパワーを WPF アプリケーションにもたらします。Actipro PropertyGrid for WPF はカスタムプロパティ、エディター、カテゴリーエディター、カテゴライゼーション、ソート、検証、フィルター、サマリーエリアなどの機能を含んでいます。Actipro PropertyGrid WPFは、 ICustomTypeDescriptor のためのサポートを含めて、 TypeDescriptors を活用ことによって、結び付いていたサポート、ダイナミックに XAML で定義されたスタティック項目を使用して移人することができます。Actipro PropertyGrid for WPFはActipro WPF スタジオの一部として購入することができます。

Actipro Grids for WPF Features

  • Property Grid - PropertyGrid allows for all the properties of one or more objects to be displayed and edited, optionally using categories.
    • Property Editors - Property editors specify the UI to use for the display of the property name and value. Built-in editors are availble for basic property types, but the property grid is very flexible and allows custom property editors to be defined too.
    • Category Editors - When simple inline property editors are not enough, category editors can be used. These allow more complex interfaces to be used inside the property grid for presenting/modifying specified groups of properties.
    • Categorization - Properties can be grouped together into categories, and nested categories are even supported. Categorization can be specified via the use of attributes on the data object properties.
    • Sorting - While categories and properties are sorted by default using built-in logic, any custom logic can be introduced to apply a customized sort order.
    • Filtering - Displayed properties can be filtered by any criteria. A common filtering usage scenario is to allow an end user to type a property name in a TextBox and the property grid updates to only show properties whose names contain the text.
    • Inline Collections - Collections can be made expandable and displayed inline. Further, some collections support inline editing via plus and minus buttons to add and remove collection items.
    • Data Factories - You have full control over the data models that are generated by a data factory when examining data objects for properties. Additional property models can be injected into the default property models generated by the data factory.
    • Multiple Data Objects - While the property grid normally edits a single data object, multiple data objects can be edited at the same time as well. In this mode, only the common properties between all the data objects are displayed.
  • Tree ListBox - TreeListBox is a single-column tree control similar to the Visual Studio Solution Explorer tree control.
    • Customizable Appearance - Fully customize the appearance of each tree item using DataTemplates and DataTemplate selectors.
    • Expansion - There is fine-grained control over expandability and children query triggers.
    • Selection Modes - Single or multi-selection modes are supported, with Ctrl and Shift-based selection options.
    • Text searching - When the end user starts typing while the control has focus, it will auto-focus the item that matches the typed text.
    • Drag and Drop - Drag single/multiple items to external controls, drop data from external controls, or drag/drop items within the control itself.
    • Inline Editing - Inline editing can be intiated via a F2 keypress or a single-click on a selected item.
    • Busy Indicators - Optional busy indicators can be displayed when doing async loading of child items.
    • MVVM Support - Use your own custom data models as the source for the tree, with no dependencies on UI or our interfaces.
  • Tree ListView - TreeListView is a multi-column variant of TreeListBox that renders similar to a standard ListView but has additional features.
    • Based on TreeListBox - TreeListView is based on the powerful TreeListBox control and inherits all of its advanced functionality.
    • Column Cells - Use DataTemplates, DataTemplate selectors, or text property bindings to specify custom content for each cell.
    • Column Features - Column widths can be specified by pixel, auto, or star-sized. End users can resize, reorder, and toggle visibility of columns.
    • Grid Lines and Freezing - Grid lines can optionally be displayed around cells. Certain columns can be set to freeze so they don't scroll horizontally.