AH XSL Formatter Standard(英語版)
Antenna House 社の製品
2004 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。
価格:¥ 1,037,630 (税込)〜 バージョン: V7.4 MR7 新機能 更新日: Dec 4, 2024 (1)
AH XSL Formatter is one of the most powerful and advanced XSL-FO processors available. Users can publish high quality PDF and print documents from XML, DITA, or S1000D. It comes with a wide variety of formatting features including support for over 70 languages, MathML, complex tables, flexible floats, multi-column layouts, embedding multimedia, drop caps, and much more. The AH XSL Formatter Standard version can format a document of virtually any size whether it is a publication, tens of thousands of invoices, reports, or personalized one-to-one documents.
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The AH Formatter is available in 6 variations:
AH XSL Formatter Standard(英語版)は、次の製品にも含まれています。
今すぐ Antenna House ライセンススペシャリストとライブ チャット。