AnyStock JS のライセンス

AnyStock JS(英語版)のご希望のライセンス条件については、当社のAnyChart専門のライセンス担当者にお問い合わせください。

AnyStock JS(英語版)のWebsiteライセンス、Internalライセンス、SaaSライセンス、Enterpriseライセンス、OEMライセンス、Next Unicornライセンス(初回導入時のみ)の購入を承ります。

Website License - This license is designed to only show information on the web that is freely accessible by anyone with a web browser. This license is NOT to be used if you require any type of login or authentication of any sort on your site. If your website requires ANY type of login then this license is NOT for you. If you have users that are required to login for any reason you would need either an Internal license, Enterprise License, or SaaS license, depending on the type of users you have and your environment.

  • This license allows for 1 developer to work with the product.
  • You are required to register the domain at time of purchase.
  • includes 2 hours of AnyChart support.
  • Provides access to the current version of the software and upgrades to any release for 3 months from date of purchase.

Internal License - This license is designed for those who wish to build two applications inside their firewall for internal use among employees and contractors working for the organization. This license is NOT to be used with customers and or clients, as part of a SaaS Website, or redistributed as part of a product solution to other companies.

  • This license is applicable to companies with less than 100 Employees.
  • The license allows 1 developer to work with the product.
  • This license allows you to develop two internal applications.
  • You are required to register the domain at a time of purchase.
  • Includes 2 hours of AnyChart support.
  • Provides access to the current version of the software and upgrades to any release for 1 year from date of purchase.

SaaS Annual License - This license is for anyone who builds a hosted website that requires their customers or clients to login in order to access the software solution or services, whether it is a paid service or not.

  • The license also allows for up to 10 developers to work with the product.
  • This license allows you to utilize the AnyChart products as part of your software solution or service.
  • You are required to register the domain at a time of purchase.
  • Includes 2 hours of AnyChart support.
  • Provides access to the current version of the software and upgrades to any release for during the annual license period.
  • This is NOT a perpetual license. This license is an Annual Fee. If you do not pay the fee you are no longer allowed to use the product as part of your solution or service.

SaaS Perpetual License - This license is for anyone who builds a hosted website that requires their customers or clients to login in order to access the software solution or services, whether it is a paid service or not.

  • The license also allows for up to 10 developers to work with the product.
  • This license allows you to utilize the AnyChart products as part of your software solution or service.
  • You are required to register the domain at a time of purchase.
  • Includes 2 hours of AnyChart support per year for 2 years.
  • Provides access to the current version of the software and upgrades to any release for 2 years from date of purchase.

Enterprise License - This license is designed for those who wish to build multiple applications inside their firewall for internal consumption among employees and contractors working for the organization. This license is NOT to be used with customers and or clients, as part of a SaaS Website, or redistributed as part of a product solution to other companies.

  • The license allows for unlimited developers to work with the product.
  • This License is for companies with more than 100 Employees.
  • You can build multiple applications; have multiple instances running; multiple teams in your corporation.
  • You are required to register the domain at time of purchase.
  • Includes 7 hours of AnyChart support.
  • Provides access to the current version of the software and upgrades to any release for 1 year from date of purchase.

OEM License - This license is for anyone who builds an application or suite of commercial applications to be sold either through direct or other distribution channels to your customers, businesses or consumers and is installed on the customer's premises or infrastructure.

  • The license also allows for up to 10 developers to work with the product.
  • This license allows you to utilize the AnyChart products as part of your software solution.
  • You are required to share the product name of your solution at time of purchase.
  • The purchase of an OEM License includes 10 hours of AnyChart support.
  • The OEM License is perpetual.
  • During the period you are licensed to include AnyChart in your products, you can utilize the latest version and upgrade your existing customers accordingly.

Next Unicorn License - This license is for pre-revenue startups who build a hosted website that requires their customers or clients to login in order to access the software solution or services, whether it is a paid service or not.

  • The license also allows for up to 2 developers to work with the product.
  • This license allows you to utilize the AnyChart products as part of your software solution or service.
  • You are required to register the domain at a time of purchase.
  • Includes 2 hours of AnyChart support.
  • This is NOT a perpetual license.
  • Unicorn Pricing is only valid for the first year. At the start of Year 2 it will be necessary to pay the Standard Annual SaaS License Fee.
  • If you do not pay the fee you are no longer allowed to use the product as part of your solution or service.


152.08 KB
3月 27, 2018



Websiteライセンス、Internalライセンス、SaaS Perpetualライセンス、Enterprise Perpetualライセンス、およびOEM Perpetualライセンスは、永久ライセンスです。

Next UnicornライセンスとSaaS Annunalライセンスは、年間ライセンスです。





はい、できます。これは、お客様がComponentSourceを介して製品を購入されなかった場合も同様です。 調整ご希望のライセンスについて、お電話または


ライセンスごとに特定の期間だけアップグレードできるようになっています。 詳しくは、仕様一覧を参照してください。


はい。 調整ご希望のライセンスについて、お電話またはメッセージでお知らせください


Next Unicornライセンス、Websiteライセンス、Internalライセンス、およびSaaS Annualライセンスには、2時間のサポートが含まれています。
SaaS Perpetualライセンスには、年間2時間のサポートが2年間含まれています。

AnyStock JS(英語版)をオンラインまたはオフラインでアクティベーションする必要がありますか。



Anychart社では、最新バージョンのご利用をおすすめしております。 どうしても旧バージョンを使用する必要がある場合は、メッセージでお知らせください。