ASPxScheduler (英語版)
ASPxScheduler Suite は、ASP.NET用のカレンダーと予定表です。
DevExpress 社の製品
2001 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。
Microsoft Outlookの予定表に匹敵する魅力的なウェブアプリケーションを作成するために、必要な要素がすべて備わっています。水平のタイムライン ビューやカレンダーのサイド バイ サイド ディスプレイなど、他社の予定表コンポーネント ライブラリにはない、 プレゼンテーション フォーマットが一通り揃っています。また、繰り返し予定の設定、ドラッグ アンド ドロップ、予定のサイズ変更、内蔵された エディター ダイアログ、 ヘルパーボタンなど、さまざまな機能が含まれています。ASPxScheduler Suite には、ASPxScheduler、ASPxDateNavigator 、ASPxViewNavigator 、ASPxViewSelector、 ASPxViewVisibleInterval 、ASPxResourceNavigator などのASPx Scheduler コントロールが含まれます。ASPxScheduler Suite Subscriptionはソースコードを含むライセンスも販売しています。
Days View and Time Rulers - The Day View offers the most detailed picture of events over a single day or a few days. It displays events within vertical timelines where an event's top-most edge corresponds to its start time and its bottom-most edge is the finish time. The primary features of this layout option are:
Week View - The Week View displays events for any given weekly period.
Multi-Week View - The Multi-Week View is the least detailed view and is designed to allow your end users to browse and analyze long-term plans. This view positions days one after another horizontally so that they construct weeks while individual weeks are placed one under another. Its primary features include:
Timeline View - This view type arranges events and appointments on horizontal timelines. When browsing multiple resources, several timelines are displayed one under another. On the top of the view, you can display multiple time rulers with different scales.
Multiple Resource Display - The multiple resources display enables your end users to browse several calendars (for any entity such as an individual or office location, etc) simultaneously. To enable this feature, you simply need to provide several resources in the bound storage. Each resource is just an ID for a particular plan - it has a unique label and a caption to display within the calendar. As such, it doesn't matter which resource types you need to display - human resources, department resources, etc. Once resources have been created, the scheduler will display several parallel timelines. Below is a brief overview of the features available within the multiple resource view:
Date Navigator - The ASPxScheduler Suite includes a DateNavigator control that provides extremely intuitive access to specific time frames. It doesn't matter whether you need to select a particular day, a range of days, a week or multiple weeks - selection can be accomplished via a single mouse operation; and of course each date change automatically updates the bound scheduler's view. You can also use the date navigator as a stand-alone control. Its features include:
Additional Controls - The ASPxScheduler Suite also provides numerous auxiliary controls that can be used to manage events. These controls are all used within built-in dialogs, so they will be useful to you if you wish to create elements such as custom appointment editors.
Microsoft Office 2007 Style Appointment Navigation – The calendar fully emulates the Microsoft Outlook 2007 interface, including the following elements:
Appointment Manipulation – It provides an easy-to-use event arrangement mechanism with full support for event sizing and manipulation. They include:
Built-in Popup Menus - The ASPxScheduler implements a number of built-in context menus similar to those found in Microsoft Outlook.
Built-in Dialogs - The scheduler control delivers a complete scheduling UI to your app since we've integrated all the dialogs needed by end-users to navigate and edit their calendar. You will not have to spend any extra time providing means for switching the view, editing resource layouts or modifying the contents of events. Built-in dialogs include:
Embedded Controls - The following three embedded controls make it even easier to browse your plans: