Chant VoiceMarkupKit について


Chant VoiceMarkupKit はマークアップシンタックスのために表示しているテキストからスピーチへのマークアップと複雑さを処理するソフトウェアコンポーネントで構成されています。スピードの調整、ポーズの追加、強調する、音声を切り替える等、シンセサイザーで作られたスピーチから単調さから脱却することができます。Chant VoiceMarkupKit はスピーチシンセサイザーで表示している Nuance L&H Native Control Sequence 、 SAPI 4 、 SAPI 5 と使用に対してマークアップ言語の W3C SSML の処理をシンプルにします。

Chant VoiceMarkupKit Features

The goal of text-to-speech markup is to enhance the quality of the text-to-speech playback. With Chant VoiceMarkupKit, you can:

  • Generate markup language in CereProc CereVoice, Microsoft SAPI 5 XML and W3C SSML syntax
  • Dynamically switch among speech APIs and syntax formats

Chant VoiceMarkupKit handles the complexities of generating text-to-speech markup for various markup syntax. Applications can tailor speech synthesis to produce sounds in familiar dialects, speaking patterns, and accents of end users. Applications can adjust TTS markup as needed for the synthesizer to enhance the playback quality when synthesizing.

Synthesizers (i.e. speech APIs) interpret different markup syntax. VoiceMarkupKit supports the following markup syntax:

  • Acapela TTS - AcaTTS Tags
  • Cepstral Swift - W3C SSML
  • CereProc CereVoice - W3C SSML, CereVoice Tagset
  • Microsoft SAPI 5 - SAPI 5 XML Markup, W3C SSML (SAPI 5.3+)
  • Microsoft Speech Platform - W3C SSML
  • Microsoft .NET System.Speech - W3C SSML
  • Microsoft .NET Microsoft.Speech - W3C SSML
  • Microsoft Windows Media (UWP and WinRT) - W3C SSML

By generating TTS markup at runtime, your application can maximize the quality of TTS playback and offer your end users the flexibility of using various synthesizers with your application.

Within Chant Developer Workbench, you can:

  • Create and edit documents with TTS markup
  • Generate TTS markup
  • Generate word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit)
  • Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit)
  • Playback text with TTS markup (requires SpeechKit).