Chart FX 8 for Java について


Chart FX 8 for Javaは、強力で汎用性の高いデータビジュアライゼーションコンポーネントです。高度なチャート機能やメニュー、ダイアログやツールバーを通じてエンドユーザー向けチャートのカスタマイズを開発者に提供します。ユーザーは将来のセッションのためのさまざまな形式のチャートだけでなく、保存した変更をエクスポートすることができます。Chart FX 8 for Javaは、ドリルダウン、ツールチップ、ドラッグドロップ式軸設定、ハイライト機能等を盛り込んで、エンドユーザー向けに洗練されたランタイムデータ分析ツールを含んでいます。

Chart FX 8 for Java Features

  • Data Analysis - Chart FX 8 for Java includes an array of price and technical indicators and interactive drawing features including Bollinger Bands, Moving Averages and Volume. You can even customize and add your own technical indicators using the API.
  • Filtering - Provide an effective way to filter and display data that meets certain conditions.
  • Grouping - You can group data in different ways and you can change the type of aggregation being used for faster comparison and analysis.
  • Sorting - Users can easily change the order in which data appears in a chart.
  • Data Connectivity - Connect to data via XML, arrays, objects, text files and ODBC.
  • Aesthetics - Chart FX 8 supports vector based markers and backgrounds to produce eye-catching charts and layouts.
  • Performance - Chart FX 8 robust serialization and server infrastructure help improve performance with less memory consumption, faster rendering and easier integration between Chart FX products.
  • New UI - Each chart object can be right clicked to access hundreds of features to further customize the way the chart looks or how the data is processed and displayed by the chart.
  • New API with Full backward Compatibility - The Chart FX 7 API is fully supported in Chart FX 8 for Java.
  • In-depth details simplified - A single SQL statement is all that is needed to allow Master-Detail Data, Drilldown, Views and Enhanced Tooltips.