CAS/Tester について

Provide automated code access security testing.

Desaware's CAS/Tester automates the process of testing an assembly (for Code access security) by executing it under multiple security configurations and producing a detailed report of the results. Features: Over 80 tests included, or create your own using VB .NET or C#. Supports testing of class libraries, components, user controls, windows forms applications and console applications.

Code access security is a key feature of the Microsoft .NET Framework, in which the administrators of each machine are able, through configuration settings, to decide exactly what types of operations an assembly can perform. From deciding whether to permit unmanaged code to securing access to individual registry entries, there are endless possible permutations - any of which, when applied to an assembly, might prevent it from running.

CAS/Tester (Automated Code Access Security Testing) was developed to address the issue of security constraints as software is deployed through the Internet, Intranets and other distribution channels.

As more and more Microsoft .NET code is deployed in a secure manner, through distribution channels, it will become increasingly important for developers to test their code under a variety of security constraints.

CAS/Tester provides several options for testing from a simple command line utility to a fixed set of dozens of permissions determined by the developer. The software product was designed in such a way that developers can use the software to run tests within minutes of installing the package.

A selection of the new features in this product include:

  • Ease of use - Developers can use the simple command line utility included with the product or can create sophisticated test scripts - in Microsoft Visual Basic.NET or Visual C#
  • Over 80 tests included - or create your own using VB .NET or C#
  • Runtime testing - creates the objects you request and calls selected methods
  • Can invoke outside test assemblies
  • Output includes detailed information including permissions tested
  • Output includes all exceptions that occur for each test, along with a stack trace
  • XML format output lends itself to further test automation
  • Reports can be customized by using XSLT templates