DevExpress WinForms 24.1.4

Released: Jul 18, 2024

24.1.4 での更新項目


All WinForms products

  • Accessibility - NullReferenceException is thrown on DevExpress.Accessibility.ScrollBarAccessibleBase.GetIncName when a screen reader is used.
  • Export to DOCX - Content may unexpectedly move to a new page in SingleFile export mode.
  • Memory leak may occur while exporting report to PDF with a Skia engine in specific Linux environments.
  • Report parameter's lookup clears Null values for Nullable parameters (SqlDataSource).
  • SVG - The SvgBitmap.Render method throws an exception when the SVG file contains an embedded SVG image.
  • SqlDataSource - WHERE clause is incorrectly generated for a NULL parameter value.
  • The dropdown for the mask type in the Properties tab in the form designer crashes Visual Studio when clicked.
  • XtraReport:
    • Export fails with embedded in HTML JPEG images.
    • Expressions are incorrectly calculated in GroupFooterBand when this band's RepeatEveryPage option is enabled and report data is grouped and filtered.
    • Watermark is not displayed if AssignWatermark is used and a report is exported to a non-PDF format.

PDF Viewer

  • DxReportViewer - "Internal Server Error" is thrown for certain files.
  • PDF Document API - ClearContent method removes content that does not intersect with the specified area in a specific document.
  • PDF Viewer throws a Null Reference exception when a specific PDF file is opened.
  • PdfDocumentProcessor and PDFViewer for WinForms throw an exception when a document with an ASN.1 data stream is opened.
  • PdfViewer:
    • Free Text Annotations lose their formatting after upgrade.
    • Multiline PdfAcroFormTextBoxFields cut the last text line.
    • Text in an active field disappears on High DPI screens.
  • Signature Panel:
    • The "Validity Summary" text is hardcoded and cannot be localized.
    • The original size is too small to fit large localized text entries.
  • The Layers panel in PdfViewer for WinForms throws an InvalidOperationException (Sequence contains no elements) in a specific PDF file.
  • XRRichText uses an inconsistent base line when there are both Latin and Chinese characters in HTML content.

XtraBars Suite

  • AccordionControl:
    • Control hosted inside a content container is not visible when the AccordionControl is expanded.
    • Root elements with the Item style do not change their appearance when pressed, hovered over, or selected in the WXI skin.
  • AccordionControlElement incorrectly wraps text when it has an image.
  • Backstage View may throw an exception on keyboard navigation if it contains hidden view items.
  • RecentItemControl:
    • Hidden items are still selectable via keyboard navigation.
    • Setting the SelectedPinItem property programatically does not update the item's appearance.
  • ToolbarForm - The form icon is partially shown for certain skins in a .NET project.

XtraEditors Library

  • ComboBoxEdit:
    • Items in a popup are not scaled the first time the popup is displayed on a secondary high-DPI monitor.
    • search highlight color is not affected when `Common.HighlightSearch` property is changed.
  • Grid Control - Empty RepositoryItemHypertextLabel cells can still trigger the OpenHyperlink event with a link from the previously focused non-empty cell.
  • LookUpEdit - Best fit functionality does not work in the WXI skin.
  • MaskSettings - There are no available mask types in the designer form.
  • MemoEdit - Caret skips lines when navigating up or down using WXI Skin or in AdvancedMode if WordWrap is enabled.
  • RadioGroup - Items have incorrect appearance when the HotkeyPrefix option is used.
  • SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm method throws ObjectDisposedException.
  • Vertical Grid - Images in multi-editor rows may be incorrectly rendered in certain circumstances.
  • WXI - PictureEdit has incorrect padding in compact mode.
  • XtraOpenFileDialog - InvalidOperationException is thrown when accessing a network drive.


  • NullReferenceException occurs when getting the e.Node parameter inside the TaskPopupMenuShowing event handler if the user clicks on area under all tasks.
  • Gantt Control throws NullReferenceException on certain user actions if data source entities do not have parameterless constructors.

XtraGauges Suite

  • Circular gauge's ranges may appear wavy if their start and end values are far enough apart.

XtraGrid Suite

  • AdvBandedGridView - ColumnPositionChanged event does not fire when a column is moved to a different band in the same row.
  • Grid Control:
    • Empty RepositoryItemHypertextLabel cells can still trigger the OpenHyperlink event with a link from the previously focused non-empty cell.
    • The last item in the column menu is aligned incorrectly.
  • GridView - The expand/collapse button in a group row is identified as a row by the PopupMenuShowing event.
  • GridView.MoveFirst raises an exception when the grid is not fully initialized and has no data source.
  • It is not possible to enter more than one IME generated character in the GridView FindPanel.
  • ItemsView throws NullReferenceException when an HTML template contains two nested and <span> tags and the inner tag has 'display' set to none.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the UpdateRowDataCore method.
  • TileView - Cannot drag a tile when HTML templates are used and the AllowMousePanning option is disabled.


  • A paragraph's style is not applied to its new content when protection and TrackChanges are enabled.
  • Application freezes on an attempt to render a document (loading/export) with a floating table.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown on an attempt to open the Quick Style bar item's popup for a cell in a RichEditControl.
  • NullReferenceException occurs in RichEditControl when Narrator is used in Scan Mode.
  • RichEditControl shows paragraphs from a table located in a hidden bookmark.
  • Image that is rotated in an HTML document is not rotated in a web browser.
  • RichEdit for WebForms - Image placed in the document footer is moved on document printing.
  • Alignment settings of a table embedded in a table cell are lost.
  • External CSS style sheet is not applied.
  • MailMerge method throws ArgumentNullException if UseDeferredDataBindingNotifications is set to false.
  • REF field is shown with its code without the capability to switch to the field value.
  • The \u00AD symbol disappears when a document is reloaded into the control.
  • The vertical multiline text of the embedded Excel document is exported to PDF as single-line text.
  • RichEditControl cannot render a part of a document saved in LibreOffice.
  • RichEditControl displays the cursor in an incorrect position in table cells when Tab and Shift+Tab keys are used for navigation.
  • RichEditDocumentServer:
    • Microsoft Word doesn't display a rotated image in the resulting RTF document.
    • The 'An internal error occurred' error occurs when loading a DOCX document.
    • Vertical text in a table cell is not printed if the cell's background color is specified.
    • RichEditDocumentServer hangs on an attempt to append a document with previously deleted fields.
  • Word Processing Document API - The \h switch is ignored in the SEQ field.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • AppointmentHtmlElementMouseClick event does not fire in Full auto height mode.


  • An application hangs if you use the Replace All option with empty "Find What" and "Replace With" fields.
  • An attempt to copy a formula via the drag action leads to a KeyNotFoundException.
  • Application hangs when a Worksheet contains a data filter and its entire content is copied to another SpreadsheetControl or Excel.
  • SpreadsheetControl uses font settings from the Normal style if a cell's font size is not specified.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • PropertyGridControl - Selected row appearance is applied to a focused cell when MultiSelectMode is set to RowSelect.
  • Images in multi-editor rows may be incorrectly rendered in certain circumstances.