ExpressQuantumPack 17.1.8

Released: Nov 15, 2017

17.1.8 での更新項目


ExpressEditors Library

  • cxImage - Invoking the context menu doesn't fire the OnContextPopup event.
  • In-place cxRichEdit - The form's scaling factor multiplies the font size of the editor's unformatted text twice.
  • TcxDBImage - AV when loading invalid images.

ExpressLayout Control

  • Dragging a hidden empty group causes an AV.


  • An AV occurs when loading a malformed XLS file if it contains two or more data entries for a cell.
  • Export to HTML - The "Duplicates not allowed" exception occurs on exporting a worksheet containing a merged cell with a hyperlink.
  • Loading shared formulas from an XLS file doesn't limit their column indexes to 256 as per specifications.
  • Wrong image aspect ratio.