ご購入済みのお客様イタリア2 年以上前
Una collezione di controlli imperdibile. La famosa grid è un'arma affilata. La libreria ha un'architettura da manuale, codice pulito e molto coerente. Utile anche come scuola di buon design del software.
mlewisCanada2 年以上前
I'm an application developer focused on providing business solutions. I look for tools which will help me accomplish that task as quickly and easily as possible. I don't have time to develop the tools myself so I buy them. I fully expect to have to dig into the architecture of a component to achieve some of my requirements using the tool, but I also expect the vendor to make this as painless as possible.
DevExpress is about 90% of the way there. It's a mature tool with astounding features, flexibility and power. They have pretty decent example projects, with a lot more on their support site. These have helped a lot. There are an incredible number of features which just take some experimentation to learn how to use. As far as special requirements, even though it has sometimes been a chore to dig in and learn how, I've not yet run into anything it CAN'T do in one way or another - and usually several ways.
I've dropped a star because I believe they could spend some time and effort on better documentation, especially tutorials. I'd like to see a DevExpress for Dummies so I could have hit the ground running with the product rather than finding out after the fact there was a better/faster way to achieve the results I was after. Don't let that stop you because it's a great product, actually a suite of products, and I've ended up buying most of them !
By the way, I've had no problem with support via email. They've given good support and decent response times, especially considering they're several time zones away.
barry.grossmanUSA2 年以上前
I was interesting in their product and wanted to get some questions answered. One has to question the quality of their product if after two days of my calling them they are unable to call me back.