GoLand 2020.1.3

Released: Jun 4, 2020

2020.1.3 での更新項目


  • GoLand 2020.1.3 no longer warns you about calls of pointer methods when the return type is an alias of a pointer type.
  • The Type compatibility check code inspection correctly handles interfaces that have overlapping methods, a feature that was added in Go 1.14.
  • Reviewed the performance of the Invalid composite literals code inspection, and it now works faster.
  • In the debugger, the value of struct derived from time.Time or net/http.Request is displayed as expected.
  • Opening of the Event Log tool window on macOS no longer causes the IDE to freeze.
  • The Next/Previous occurrence actions once again work when the Project tool window is open and the focus is in the editor.
  • GoLand provides the correct name and path of projects that were opened from the terminal using the shell script.
  • Fixed the problem that was causing deadlocks when updating plugins during the indexing process.