SQL Compare 14.1.x

Released: Oct 28, 2019

14.1.x での更新項目

Updated Jan 27, 2020


  • Changing a column from a user defined type and simultaneously dropping that user defined type no longer attempts to rebind the type after dropping it.
  • Create Partition Scheme statements in scripts folders which contain too many filegroups for their partition function will now be read in as SQL Server does, i.e. the excess filegroups will be ignored.
  • Permissions on the 'dbo' special user are now registered correctly.
  • The null unicode character no longer causes lines to be truncated prematurely when using the command line with static data.

Updated Jan 21, 2020


  • When deploying a user with only trailing space differences in the username to a user being dropped, the drop now happens before the create.
  • Filtered indexes with variant capitalisation in scripts folders now retain their WHERE clauses if the database collation is case insensitive.
  • If you have broken entries in your sys.database_permissions table we now ignore them rather than throwing a null reference exception.

Updated Jan 7, 2020


  • SQL Compare now supports Azure Active Directory users.
  • SQL Compare can now parse inline filtered indexes.
  • Improved compatibility with scripts folders with CREATE OR ALTER statements in.


  • Ignore Users now no longer also ignores roles that exist only in the target.
  • The open projects button no longer has an empty dropdown.

Updated Dec 18, 2019


  • The option to use ONLINE = ON now covers altering columns as well as creating indexes. Note that the option name in the command line has been renamed from OnlineIndexBuild to AddOnlineOn to reflect this change.

Updated Dec 16, 2019


  • SQL Compare now shows a warning when trying to deploy a route with a non-local address to an Azure Managed Instance.
  • Azure Managed Instances can now take backups before deployment to a supplied URL.


  • Sensitivity classifications are now correctly added to columns of temporal tables.

Updated Dec 2, 2019


  • When you drop an object from a scripts folder, SQL Compare will now delete the file rather than leaving an empty file. We used to deliberately leave the empty file because some older source control systems would replace the file if it was deleted without also registering the deletion with the source control system, but these have mostly fallen out of use now.
    SQL Compare will not delete any file that is not completely empty - e.g. if there were other statements in the file that didn't belong to that object, or if we can't decrypt an object, or we had to generate it as dynamic SQL (e.g. routes with lifetimes), dropping the object will leave the file behind.
  • SQL Compare will now install the Microsoft Active Directory Authentication Library if it is required.
  • Azure Managed Instances are now treated as a separate server version which takes into account the additional features they support.
    SQL Compare does not currently support memory optimized tables on Azure Managed Instances and will ignore compatibility level on these instances regardless of option state. * Azure SQL Database supported feature list has been updated to reflect support for AUTO_GRID on spatial indexes.


  • Rebuilds that also add a history table no longer fail when the table contains data.
  • Indexes on history tables are now deployed when the history table is first created.
  • Temporal tables can now be deployed to Azure Managed Instances without warnings.

Updated Nov 25, 2019


  • Deploying a change no longer keeps an old object difference visible.
  • Rebuild table when nullability changes on a field used by a partition function.

Updated Nov 11, 2019


  • New option to add the ONLINE = ON option when creating relational indexes.


  • Comments ending a line in a backslash in text-based objects now generate a warning when Object Existence Checks are on, because they cause sp_executesql to believe they contain a line continuation character and the resulting object has the following line commented out.
  • The UI no longer locks up when generating a script while including a large number of dependencies.
  • Deploying a non-default owner of a system role to a scripts folder now works correctly.
  • Snapshot deserialization now correctly deserializes Storage objects on temporal tables.
  • When uninstalling SQL Compare 13, the installation folder and start menu shortcut are now cleaned up.

Updated Nov 11, 2019


  • Ignore Data Masking option now available - this will act as if neither of your databases have any MASKED clauses on columns.


  • CLR assemblies with extra files now do object existence checks correctly on assembly creation.
  • Launching SSMS 18 from SQL Compare now behaves correctly when using SQL Authentication.
  • Using expressions like CAST inside an OPENJSON statement no longer causes a parser exception.
  • sp_addrolemember in scripts folders without a corresponding role or user for the member no longer creates schemas.

Updated Nov 5, 2019


  • You can no longer add a backup statement to a script that is immediately run on an Azure server, which would always cause the script to fail.
  • SQL Compare no longer attempts to connect to an Azure SQL Database to check SQL Backup install status or do folder browsing, neither of which work on Azure SQL Database.
  • Auth-based objects which have non-default AUTHORIZATION set now correctly register permissions.
  • Stored procedures that contain multiple conversation handles in SEND ON CONVERSATION statements can now be parsed successfully
  • 'master' no longer appears on the database list for Azure SQL Database and we no longer allow you to register it, as it is not really a full database and may have unexpected behaviour.

Updated Oct 28, 2019


  • Improved error messages around Azure Active Directory authentication.
  • Improved labeling of authentication types to make it clearer which ones are only applicable to on-prem or Azure SQL Database connections.
  • Renamed several command line options for clarity (the old names are still functional).