Sencha Ext JS のライセンス

Sencha Ext JS(英語版)のご希望のライセンス条件については、当社のSencha専門のライセンス担当者にお問い合わせください。

Sencha Ext JS(英語版)の年間サブスクリプション契約の購入と更新、永久ライセンスの購入、サポート契約の更新を承ります。

One software license is required per developer.
Runtime Royalty Free.

Available as an Annual Subscription or Perpetual License

  • Annual Subscription License is perfect for building an application with a small team; requires annual license renewal to continue to use the software.
  • Perpetual License is perfect for building a data intensive application with a team of 5 or more; support renewal is required for continued support and software updates.

Sencha Ext JS Pro includes:

  • Ext JS - helps you build data-intensive, cross-platform web apps for desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Take advantage of powerful features in Ext JS Enterprise including Pivot Grid, D3 Adapter, Calendar, and Exporter.

Sencha Ext JS Enterprise includes:

  • Ext JS - helps you build data-intensive, cross-platform web apps for desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Take advantage of powerful features in Ext JS Enterprise including Pivot Grid, D3 Adapter, Calendar, and Exporter.
  • ExtWebComponents - provides all the components a developer needs to build data-intensive web apps.
  • ExtAngular - provides all the components a developer needs to build data-intensive web apps using Angular.
  • ExtReact - provides all the components a developer needs to build data-intensive web apps using React.
  • Sencha Test - Comprehensive unit and end-to-end testing solution for Ext JS, including support for end-to-end testing of ExtReact, React and Angular apps.

Standard Support Offering:

  • Access to the current documentation for the Software.
  • Read-only access to the most current source code for SourceSoftware.
  • Unlimited 24×7 access to the community-driven Sencha public support forums.
  • Limited incident support.
  • Support contracts provided with member-only support portal access up to the number of licensed users for which support feeds have been paid.
  • A number of x-credits included that can be spent on any metered support Services. The number of x-credits included in Standard Support is 40 x-credits per Supported user in addition to any additional x-credits purchased.
  • Maximum incident response time of 48 hours as details.
  • Eligible to receive emergency hotfix builds as may be provided.
  • Remote trouble-shooting Services available as detailed in Section 2c.

Platinum Support Offering:

  • All the offerings from the Standard Support Package PLUS
    • Access to 2 free training courses - Develop the skills your team needs to design and build great apps.
    • Priority Support Handling / Automatic escalated services - Receive 2x as many x-credits per user for additional support beyond standard defect cases.
    • Prioritized Bug Review - Cases are immediately routed for priority assignment to a senior engineering support resource to prioritize for the next release.
    • Priority Roadmap Input - Biannual strategic roadmap sessions with product management.
    • Beta Program Privileges - Early access, priority enrollment, and extended trial periods for new product launches.
    • Get free access to the annual SenchaCon global event.


118.35 KB
3月 26, 2024



Sencha Ext JS(英語版) には、1人または複数の開発者用の年間サブスクリプションライセンスと最低5人の開発者用永久ライセンスがあります。 どのライセンスでも、アプリケーションを配布して使用する永久の権利が付与されます。


1年後も引き続きソフトウェアを使用するには、年間サブスクリプション契約を更新する必要があります。 永久ライセンスは無期限のライセンスですが、最初の1年が経過した後もテクニカルサポートとソフトウェアのアップデートを利用するには、永久ライセンスのサポート契約を更新する必要があります。


はい、できます。これは、お客様がComponentSourceを介して製品を購入されなかった場合も同様です。 調整ご希望のライセンスについて、お電話またはメッセージでお知らせください




Sencha Ext JS(英語版) は、同じ開発者が使用する限り、複数のマシンにインストールできます。 ソフトウェアを使用するには、開発者ごとに自分のライセンスが必要です。


商用ライセンスは、指定されたユーザー(開発者、またはUIを設計するためにソフトウェアを使用する人)に付与されます。 ライセンスは、6か月ごとに別のユーザーに譲渡できます。

