SharePoint Choice Indicator(英語版+日本語版)

SharePoint Choice Indicator allows you to prioritize, organize and monitor task and list items by applying color-coded labels corresponding to selection criteria you specify. Choice Indicators support floating tooltip information, customizable color settings, and the ability to apply one or more colored labels to each list or task item, permitting you to quickly scan and sort through lengthy SharePoint lists without compromising individual list item data. The SharePoint Choice Indicator feature is an extension of the default SharePoint Choice Column, which does not support color-coding on SharePoint column/list views.

SharePoint Choice Indicator

  • Label list and task items with one or multiple colored labels corresponding to your specified criteria;
  • Two-way conversion between the SharePoint Choice feature and the Choice Indicator feature;
  • Customizable color options for each list choice;
  • Filter and sort items according to column headers.

SharePoint Choice Indicator allows you to prioritize, organize and monitor task and list items by applying color-coded labels corresponding to selection criteria you specify...


SharePoint Choice Indicator v1.7.0.804
SharePoint Choice Indicator v1.7.0.804
August 15, 2023新バージョン
SharePointサブスクリプションエディションおよびSharePoint 2019の追加サポート

価格:¥ 93,170 (税込)〜

サーバライセンス:製品を利用するWebフロントエンドサーバーの台数によりカウントするライセンスです。(SharePoint 2007:SP Web アプリケーション サービスの上で実行しているすべてのサーバはライセンスされる必要があります;SharePoint 2010:Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web...


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  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Server 2003

