SocketTools Library Edition 10.0.1251.1868

Released: Sep 24, 2020

10.0.1251.1868 での更新項目


  • Changed the internal buffering algorithm used for HTTP and FTP file transfers which should increase file transfer speeds under certain conditions.
  • Added internal support for some additional Microsoft Windows code pages when parsing MIME formatted mail messages. This improves handling for some older versions of Microsoft Outlook and applications which used Outlook automation to compose messages.
  • Updated the documentation to make it clear the ANSI version of the MimeGetMessageText function and CMailMessage::GetText method will always return the decoded message text as UTF-8 Unicode, not the original character set which was used to compose the message. It is recommended you use the Unicode version of the function whenever possible.
  • Documented the HttpPutDataEx and HttpPutTextEx functions. These functions allow the use of PUT with RESTful API services which use the PUT command to submit data, similar to how the POST command is used.


  • Corrected a problem with the web storage and location APIs which could cause them to report an error indicating that the developer account is invalid.
  • Corrected a problem with the POP3 components which could cause an internal buffer overrun if a very large OAuth 2.0 bearer token was used.
  • Corrected an issue with the MIME API that could cause messages composed using an ANSI character set to be returned as corrupted text.
  • Minor corrections and updates to the technical reference documentation.