XtraLayoutControl Suite (英語版) について


XtraLayoutControl Suiteで魅力的なUIを最短で構築できます。個々のコントロールの自動整理から解像度に依存しない機能まで、XtraLayoutControl Suiteは包括的なフォーム デザイン機能を提供しています。エンドユーザーが簡単なドラッグ&ドロップでコントロールをリオーダーできるように、ランタイムのレイアウト カスタマイズが可能です。XtraLayoutControl SuiteにはXtraEditors Libraryが含まれており、ソースコードを含むバージョンも販売しています。

The XtraLayoutControl is not simply a design-time control arrangement tool. Once you've incorporated the library into your application, you can deliver run-time customization and form management options to your end-users so that their business needs can be addressed as needed, without any additional design-time modification on your end. Take for instance Visual Studio's dock windows and toolbar system. Its integrated options allow you to determine what you see on-screen, the location of individual items and help you extend it as your skills and business requirements mature. Of course, once you are no longer satisfied with a given layout or your programming habits change, you can make the necessary modifications instantly - no need to wait for Microsoft to deliver the next major version.Toolbars and dock windows are not the only examples of user-customizable interfaces. End-users frequently resize and reorder grid columns, sort and group rows by clicking and dragging headers. They can collapse splitters to temporarily hide unnecessary controls, resize and reorder windows in multi-window applications, etc. It all makes sense as it relates to toolbars and dock windows, but what does it have to do with the controls on my form? Rather than a narrative explaining why control layout customization makes sense, let's review a few scenarios wherein this capability is not only convenient, but essential for any well designed business solution.

  • Ever spent time trying to guess the most efficient arrangement of individual controls on a form and their tab order and when specifications change or security rules are modified had to redesign the entire layout?
  • Rebuild and release a new version of your application to simply move an editor to a new position or adding a new data entry field?
  • Provide two or more forms with different layouts that are used to edit the same type of object when different users/departments require unique views of the same information?

The XtraLayoutControl removes all these limitations to pixel oriented form design and automatically ensures that your forms look polished at any resolution and best of all, lets your end-users to create the desired experience as their requirements dictate.
Key features include the following:

  • End-user Layout Customization
  • Controls from the XtraEditors Library are included
  • DataLayoutControl - an easy way to create and maintain data-bound input forms
  • LayoutConverter - instantly convert your existing manually created layout into a LayoutControl or vice versa
  • Resolution Independence
  • Straightforward Design-Time Layout Customization
  • Automatic Proportional Control Resizing
  • Intuitive Layout Customization Rules
  • Auto-aligned Labels
  • Customization Form
  • Built-in Context Menu
  • Tabbed Pages
  • Expandable Groups
  • Empty Space Items
  • Splitter Items
  • Anchored Background Image
  • An easy way to create multi-lingual applications. If you need to translate an application's UI to another language, you will most likely have to re-arrange your controls since the same label can significantly vary in size depending on which language it is written in. With the XtraLayoutControl you are guaranteed to avoid such problems - everything is aligned automatically
  • Save and Restore Layouts
  • Customizable Spacings and Paddings
  • Customizable Size Constraints
  • Automatic Enforcement of Microsoft UI Guidelines
  • Control-to-Control Alignment
  • Auto-Specified Tab Order
  • Images in Tab and Group Headers
  • Printing via the XtraPrinting Library (must be purchased separately)
  • Multiple Look and Feel Options