PrizmDoc Viewer v13.23

4月 3, 2023


  • PrizmDoc Viewer API now provides support for opening PDF Portfolio attachments. It can now open and navigate through multiple files assembled into an integrated PDF unit called a PDF Portfolio.
  • Added an option that allows a PrizmDoc Server cluster to communicate via HTTPS.
  • Added an option that allows a Linux-based PrizmDoc Server instance or cluster to communicate to a PrizmDoc MSO instance or cluster via HTTPS.
  • Improved text selection user experience. Text selection is now easier to use (starts faster and allows starting outside of text), and is more consistent and stable.
  • Added new Postman collections that show the most commonly used PrizmDoc API endpoints. Currently, the collections demonstrate the following APIs: PrizmDoc Server, PrizmDoc Application Services (PAS), PrizmDoc Editor, PrizmDoc Cells, Barcode Scanner, and Image Editor. You will also find a "Workflows" collection which features some of the most common use-cases.
  • Support for Kubernetes 1.26 has been added; support for Kubernetes 1.21 and 1.22 has been dropped. The list of supported Kubernetes versions now includes 1.23, 1.24, 1.25 and 1.26.
  • Updated 'hello-prizmdoc-viewer-with-kubernetes' sample to properly work with the latest 'ingress-nginx' controller.
  • Updated a PDF Processing Service (PDFPS) third-party dependency to a newer version to eliminate the use of outdated functionality.
  • Introduced new parameters in Central Configuration to control environment variables settings when starting PrizmDoc Server Java-based services (PDF Processing Service and Email Processing Service).
  • Updated the 'accusoft/prizmdoc-application-services' Docker image to include an 'init-database' command to enable initialization of the PAS database.
PrizmDoc Viewer

PrizmDoc Viewer(英語版)

HTML5のドキュメントビューアーとWeb API


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