Data Abstract for Cocoa and Java のリリース

Released: Oct 17, 2017

v9.3 での更新項目


Fixes for Java:

  • 78592: DataRow cannot auto-convert values from Calendar to Date and from Integer to Long.

Fixes for Cocoa:

  • No changes for this release.

Released: Jul 4, 2014

Updates in this release

Updates in 8

  • Relativity in the Cloud - Relativity Server now knows about the services provided by AWS that it needs to interact with, all without you writing manual code or setup scripts. Get an infinitely scalable middle tier up and running, with just a few clicks and without a single line of code.
  • Strongly Typed DataTables in Cocoa - With just a couple clicks in Schema Modeler for Mac or in the Visual Studio IDE, you have protocol/interface stubs for your tables in the language of your choice...