

DevExtreme Mobile


DevExpress 社の製品
2001 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。

バージョン: 16.2.4 更新日: Jan 18, 2017


New licenses for DevExtreme Mobile are only available as part of DevExtreme and DevExpress Universal. If you own a current or expired DevExtreme Mobile Subscription please contact us for upgrade and/or renewal options.


DevExtreme Mobile 16.1.4 released

Released: Jun 23, 2016

16.1.4 での更新項目


  • Adaptability Enhancements - With this release, DevExpress have added the ability to specify different dxForm widget layouts for multiple screen resolutions.
  • AngularJS 2.0 Support (CTP) - DevExtreme editors can now work as Angular 2 components.
  • ASP.NET MVC Wrappers (CTP) - v16.1 introduces DevExtreme ASP.NET MVC Wrappers, which allow ASP.NET developers use DevExtreme HTML5 widgets in MVC applications using Razor C# code syntax.
  • Bootstrap Integration - The HTML5 Generic Theme is now visually-compatible with the Bootstrap framework. The DevExtreme Theme Builder allows you to create a custom DevExtreme theme based on a custom Bootstrap theme.
  • Modularity - You can now use small modules and load only the required functionality. Modules can be attached to your application using one of the following ways:
    • Load modules automatically using RequireJS.
    • Create a bundle using Webpack.
    • Load modules using the jspm package manager.
    • Create a bundle containing the specified modules using the DevExtreme Bundler tool.
  • HTML5-JavaScript SelectBox Enhancements - The SelectBox widget now supports value completion, which is applied upon TAB key press. Set the searchMode option to 'startswith' to enable autocompletion.
  • HTML5-JavaScript TagBox Enhancements
    • You can now select multiple items without reopening the tag-box.
    • The TagBox widget supports a single-line mode. All selected tags are displayed in a single line and can be scrolled horizontally.
    • You can now navigate through selected tags and remove them using the keyboard.
    • Value completion. Press TAB to apply the suggested value.
  • Performance Improvements - DevExtreme HTML5-JavaScript widgets are now faster by 20-40% when compared to the last major release (v15.2).
  • DevExtreme NPM Package - With v16.1, DevExtreme libraries are also shipped as NPM packages.
  • IE8 Discontinued - With this release, Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) is no longer supported.
  • Globalize 1.0 Support - With v16.1, DevExtreme supports jQuery Globalize version 1.X, which provides access to an always up-to-date, modular and simple i18n library.