EiffelStudio v21.11

Released: Dec 31, 2021

21.11 での更新項目


  • Graphical environment
    • On non Microsoft Windows platforms (Linux, macosx, ...), EiffelStudio is now using GTK3 (instead of the older GTK2).
    • The new Source Control tool provides basic GIT and subversion operations (status, diff, commit, ...). The related tools have to be installed on your machine, as the Source Control tool relies on the executable git and svn commands.
  • Compiler
    • Added support for a unified syntax to access loop cursor features inside an iteration form of a loop for both keyword-based and Unicode-based loop variants (The current item is accessed by the cursor name. The cursor feature is accessed by preceding the cursor name with the symbol @).
    • The vision2 library now uses GTK3 by default on non Microsoft Windows platforms (Linux, macosx, ...). (To compile using GTK2, set the variable vision_implementation=gtk2).
    • The JSON library was improved with a new date time serializer, and the possibility to use the reflector serializer with JSON_BASIC_SERIALIZATION.
    • Marked make_from_iterable and added {HASH_TABLE}.make_from_iterable_tuples as conversion procedures from ARRAY for some container classes to enable initialization from manifest arrays.


  • Compiler
    • Various bug fixes and improvements on the EiffelWeb library, and the Eiffel CMS solution.
    • Fixed multiple bugs related to non-conforming inheritance, making the latter usable in production code. (Note: the semantics of non-conforming inheritance is changed by removing automatic replication of inherited features.)