ExpertPDF PDF Viewer について


ExpertPDF PDF Viewerはソフトウェアに PDF ビジュアライゼーションと使いやすい操作機能をソフトウェアに追加するこのとできるコンポーネントです。 ExpertPDF PDF ViewerでWindows フォーム、WPFとASP.NET アプリケーションでPDFファイルを閲覧、ドキュメントのナビゲート(ズーム、ページにジャンプ等)、印刷などができます。Adobe Acrobat Readerが必要です。

Expert PDF Viewer for ASP.NET - The Expert PDF Viewer Control for ASP.NET can be used in an ASP.NET application to display a PDF document inside a ASP.NET page. It allows application users to browse and print the PDF document. The source of the PDF document can be a URL or a stream of bytes represented as a byte[] object. The viewer requires Adobe Reader to be installed on the client computer in order to work properly. The ExpertPDF PDF Viewer Control for ASP.NET is delivered as a single assembly 'PdfViewerAspNet.dll'. The main class defined by this assembly is the PdfViewer class which represents the ASP.NET control.

ExpertPDF PDF Viewer Windows Forms - The ExpertPDF PDF Viewer Control can be used in Windows Forms applications to display a PDF document inside a form. It allows application users to visualize, browse, print and protect the PDF documents. The viewer requires that the free Adobe Reader to be installed on the client computer in order to work properly.

  • Loading a PDF File - A PDF file can loaded into the PDF Viewer control using the LoadFile() method of the PdfViewer class
  • Loading a PDF Stream - A PDF stream can loaded into the PDF Viewer control using the LoadStream() method of the PdfViewer class