Handsontable V9.0.2

Released: Jul 28, 2021

V9.0.2 での更新項目


  • Added new documentation engine.


  • Fixed an issue with an error being thrown when lazy loading columns on a setup with Nested Headers + Hidden Columns.
  • Fixed column header sizes not being updated on updateSettings calls containing columns.
  • Fixed functional keys' behavior to prevent unexpected editing.
  • Fixed missing collapsible indicator on IE.
  • Fixed support for row and column headers in the parseTable utility.
  • Fixed a bug where not providing a data object with the nestedRows plugin enabled crashed the table.
  • Vue: Fixed an issue where adding rows to a Handsontable instance wrapped for Vue resulted in additional rows being inserted at the end of the table.
  • Vue: Fixed a problem in the Vue wrapper, where destroying the underlying Handsontable instance caused it to throw errors and crash.
  • React: Fixed a problem in the React wrapper, where destroying the underlying Handsontable instance caused it to throw errors and crash.
  • Angular: Fixed a problem in the Angular wrapper, where destroying the underlying Handsontable instance caused it to throw errors and crash.