Infragistics Ignite UI(英語版)


Infragistics 社の製品
1996 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。

価格:¥ 268,730 (税込)〜 バージョン: 23.2 新機能 更新日: Apr 18, 2024


Infragistics Ignite UI 製品のすべてのコントロールはInfragistics Professional 及び Infragistics Ultimate にも含まれています。

Infragistics Professional には Ignite UI, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Windows UI, Silverlight, WPFが含まれています。
Infragistics Ultimate には Ignite UI, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Silverlight, WPF, Windows UI, Windows Phone, LightSwitch, NUCLiOS, Iguana UI, NetAdvantage ICONS, 5 ユーザーQuince Subscription が含まれています。

Infragistics Ignite UI for JavaScript/HTML5 and ASP.NET MVC 16.2 Build 16.2.20162.2141

Released: May 26, 2017

16.2 Build 16.2.20162.2141 での更新項目


AngularJS (Two-way data binding)

  • Removing records doesn't update the Paging label for total records and the number of pages.

Angular 2 (Two-way data binding)

  • When binding datasource using two-way data binding of igniteui-angular2, RowSelectors's events are not fired.
  • A new row is added into the current page even if page size exceeds the limit when data source is AngularJS two-way bound to the grid and an item is pushed to the data source.

MVC Wrappers (Editor)

  • igNumericEditor MVC shouldn't render value as string on client.

MVC Wrappers (FileUpload)

  • ServerMessage does not allow curly brackets.

MVC Wrappers (Scaffolding)

  • MVC Scaffolding includes unwanted semi-colon in View.


  • Browser becomes unresponsive after changing AxisLabelFontSize properties at runtime.
  • First major gridline not drawn with odd major interval (column, steparea, stepline, waterfall).
  • Setting yAxisTitleAlignment to "top" or "bottom" rotates title and draws title into plot area.


  • Incorrect dependencies in the source code of the controls with AMD support.
  • igCombo with validation doesn't raise Validator's errorHidden event.


  • OPD slider is misplaced on Chrome
  • Memory leak in igDataChart after calling destroy.
  • Uncaught TypeError is thrown when using empty data source and Legend is defined.


  • getData method on igDoughnutChart throws an exception.
  • igGridWhen the igGrid is scrolled the scrollbars do not appear on Mac OS X.
  • Horizontal scrollbar for igGrid is not visible when resizing a column on an Angular2 app.
  • With AppendRowsOnDemand when adding new rows with autoCommit:false the next chunk of data is not loaded when the "Load more data" button is clicked.
  • Fixed column is trimmed when fixingDirection is "right".
  • When moving a fixed column to the last position in the unfixed area the cell text is not fully visible.
  • Remote GroupBy is not working with remote Paging.
  • When the data source is changed with another containing the same PKs, updating fails to refresh the UI in a Knockout grid.
  • When hiding the last column in virtual grid the headers and cells become misaligned.
  • Parent DOM element that has scroll bar and contains a grid with virtualization won't scroll when revolving the mouse  wheel on the grid scroll area.


  • IntelliSense for igGrid options and events under igHierarchicalGrid initialization are not working for TypeScript application.
  • Exception is thrown when trying to expand an empty child when Load on Demand is enabled (initialDataBindDepth : 0).
  • Filtering a child grid in igHierarchicalGrid and hiding a column of the root grid no longer allows to clear filtering to that child grid.
  • In remote GroupBy scenario the child layouts cannot be grouped.
  • Paging is not working for the 3-rd level in the hierarchy.
  • DataSource does not reflect newly added rows if a cell was edited previously.


  • OPD uses wrong CSS class in the combined CSS file on a touch enabled device.


  • Filter popup is displayed in the wrong place if the control is inside igSplitter panel and width is 100%.
  • igPivotGrid cannot be created with jQuery 3.x.
  • Row header width stretches unexpectedly when expanding column.
  • defaultRowHeaderWidth and gridOptions.defaultColumnWidth are not respected.