MindFusion.Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC 2.8 released

Released: Nov 28, 2016

2.8 での更新項目


  • Fluent API - Extension methods in MindFusion.Diagramming.Fluent and MindFusion.Diagramming.Layout.Fluent namespaces add support for fluent programming style.
  • DiagramLink Improvements
    • The component no longer keeps a separate segmentCount field, removing a common source of errors. The SegmentCount property now calculates its value from ControlPoints elements. The UpdateFromPoints(updateGroups, updateSegments) overload has been removed too.
    • SegmentCount setter no longer refuses to change the number of segments if auto-routing is enabled or the link is a self-loop.
    • DiagramLink.HeadPen property lets you customize arrowhead strokes independently of line segments strokes.
    • The new Spline element draws links as interpolating splines that pass through all of their control points.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Set alignment for table and container captions.
    • Let users resize grid rows and columns interactively.
    • NodeSize and DefaultNodeSize properties of NodeListView can be set to SizeF.Empty, in which case the control will use the sizes stored in node.Bounds.
    • The control now supports cyclic attachment, where moving any of the attached nodes will move all other nodes in the cycle.
    • Shapes.RoundRect corner arcs keep constant radius and no longer deform when the node size changes to non-rectangular.
    • ItemAddedScript and ItemRemovedScript events raised when an item is added or removed, either from code or interactively.