MindFusion.JavaScript Pack のリリース

Released: Nov 14, 2023

2023.R3 での更新項目


New in Diagramming for JavaScript

  • Web components
    • The library now registers each control class as a web component. You can now use the following tags to create corresponding components:
      • <mindfusion-diagramview> creates a DiagramView instance.
      • <mindfusion-ruler> creates a Ruler instance.
      • <mindfusion-zoomcontrol> creates a ZoomControl instance.
      • <mindfusion-overview> creates an Overview instance.
      • <mindfusion-nodelistview> creates a NodeListView instance.
    • When...

Released: Jul 6, 2023

2023.R2 での更新項目


New in Diagramming for JavaScript

  • Multiple diagram pages - Added DiagramDocument class which represents a collection of diagram pages or sheets.
    • New pages can be added to the document and existing pages can be removed or reordered.
    • Includes methods to load/save all pages in a single file.
    • Can also load files created by serialization methods which show them in a single page.
  • Tabbed diagram view - Added TabbedDiagramView control which is a view that displays DiagramDocument objects.
    • Individual...

Released: May 15, 2023

2023.R1 での更新項目


New in Diagramming for JavaScript

  • Radial tree layout - Added new class which arranges tree levels in concentric circles around the root.
  • Lasso zoom tool - The control now supports several ways to zoom using lasso tool:
    • You can set the behavior property to 'Zoom' to always draw zoom lasso.
    • You can let users draw a zoom lasso with modifier key and the left mouse button.
  • Blazor bindings - Contains a set of .NET wrapper classes that use Blazor's JSInterop API to create and manipulate client-side...

Released: Aug 29, 2022

2022.R1 での更新項目


New in Diagramming for JavaScript

  • React functional components - The @mindfusion/diagramming-react package now contains functional-component wrappers for the DiagramView and auxiliary controls, and has been upgraded to React 18.
    • Old class-component wrappers have been moved to the @mindfusion/diagramming-react-cc package.
    • The DiagramView control exposes a forwardRef, that can be passed on to other controls, such as the Overview and ZoomControl.
    • To obtain a reference to the underlying core...

Released: Dec 23, 2021

2021.R2 での更新項目



  • ECMAScript 6 (ES6) modules, classes and properties - The source code has been refactored following ES6 standards, including modules, classes, properties and native collections.
    • ArrayList, Dictionary and Set classes from the MindFusion.Collections namespace have been removed and replaced by respective JavaScript native Array, Map and Set.
    • Get/set functions have been replaced by getter/setter properties, which should help you use the diagram API with the binding expressions of...

Released: Mar 6, 2021

2021.R1 での更新項目


Diagramming for JavaScript

  • Added support for Topological Layouts - Applies topological graph ordering to the diagram.
  • Adjustment Handles Styling
    • The appearance of adjustment handles can now be customized.
    • The HandlesVisualStyle objects returned by them provide sub-properties corresponding to graphic attributes of the different handle types.
    • Adjustment handles can now be painted not only in solid color but with arbitrary brushes such as gradients and patterns.
  • Miscellaneous
    • The diagram canvas...

Released: Nov 13, 2020

2020.R2 での更新項目



  • Control nodes - New ControlNodes.html example included in distribution demonstrates the ControlNode API.
    • ControlNode objects display custom HTML content, specified via their Template property.
  • Button components - Composite nodes can now contain buttons. Button components respond to user clicks by calling the JavaScript function whose name is assigned to their clickHandler attribute. A button can show a text label assigned to the text attribute, or an image whose URL is...

Released: Aug 14, 2020

2020.R1 での更新項目



  • JsDataViews - a grid control that binds to an array of objects and displays the data in tabular format.
  • Some of the main features of the grid control are:
    • Row virtualization - Only the rows, that are visible within the current viewport are rendered, which allows large sets of records to be displayed faster.
    • Inplace editing of grid cells - Data-type dependent inplace editors allow inline editing of grid cells data. Custom editors from the MindFusion.Common.UI library can also be used as...