MindFusion.Diagramming for ASP.NET V6.2.2

Released: Dec 23, 2019

V6.2.2 での更新項目


  • Shape components - The Shape class used to specify ShapeNode geometry can now also be used as a component in a CompositeNode.
  • JSON Serialization - Diagrams can now be serialized in JSON format. This can be used for interoperability with MindFusion JavaScript diagramming library, or for general storage in JSON files or databases.
  • TableNode.resizeToFitText improvements and fixes.
  • containerChildAdding event handlers can now stop propagation of an event in the container hierarchy by calling setHandled.
  • LayeredLayout now uses stable sorting and should always create the same results when applied to the same graph.
  • For consistency with the client side API, the .NET Diagram class now provides Arrange methods that take a layout object as an argument.
  • The NET ContainerNode Arrange method arranges child items inside a container using a specified layout class.
  • SvgImage mode adds DiagramView specific prefixes to SVG <defs> elements, allowing for more than one DiagramView on the page.
  • The AutoJson attribute has been moved from the MindFusion.Diagramming.WebForms namespace to the MindFusion.Diagramming namespace.
  • The DiagramView AppletStartedScript property and other controls renamed to ControlLoadedScript.
  • Client-side event handler properties specific to the removed JavaApplet mode have been deleted (such as key*Script, tableSection*Script, action*Script).
  • The AutoCloseDistance type has been changed to Nullable<Single>, where null value signifies that FreeFormNode should always close automatically.