MindFusion.Scheduling for JavaScript のリリース

Released: Jan 5, 2022

V2.0 での更新項目


  • ECMAScript 6 (ES6) modules
    • JsScheduler distribution now includes a set of ES6 modules, in Scripts/esm folder, that lets you import classes from respective scripts.
    • The distribution still includes ES5-compatible scripts located in Scripts/umd folder, which are transpiled from current ES6 code, and whose classes are exposed as members of global MindFusion namespace object as in previous versions.
  • Localization improvements - Calendar date and time localization can now be done via the CLDR locale...

Released: Jan 23, 2019

V1.2 での更新項目



  • startTime and endTime read-only properties return the time of the first and last visible calendar cells.
  • itemsStartTime and itemsEndTime read-only properties return the time of the first and last calendar cells, that can contain items.
  • getItemCells method returns the calendar view cells that hold the specified item's visual elements.
  • getCellItems method returns the items, whose visual elements are contained in the specified calendar cell.
  • getItemDom method returns the specified item...

Released: May 11, 2018

V1.1 での更新項目


  • New Properties - New ItemSettings.titleFormat and ItemSettings.tooltipFormat properties help improve the appearance of schedule Items.
  • VSDoc Intellisense - The MindFusion.Scheduling-vsdoc.js file that is included in the distribution archive now lists all properties of a class, not only the class and its methods. All members are listed with their brief API description.
  • React Samples - All samples can now be run using “create-react-app”.
  • API Documentation Includes Class Inheritance - The...