MindFusion.WPF Pack 2017.R1

Released: Jul 13, 2017

2017.R1 での更新項目



  • Funnel Chart - Funnel charts are often used to represent the stages of a process and show relative values or measurements associated with each stage.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Set ShowCrosshairs to display crosshairs in RealTimeChart.
    • InnerLabelAlignment property of BarSeries lets you customize label alignment in bars.
    • ClearMeshSelection method lets you clear selected meshes in 3D charts.


  • Flip shapes - The shape of a ShapeNode can be flipped horizontally or vertically.
  • Fluent API - Extension methods in MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.Fluent and MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.Layout.Fluent namespaces let you initialize objects using fluent programming style.
  • ShapeListBox control - Displays a list of Shape icons along with their DisplayName. It lets users drag-and-drop a Shape to the diagram's canvas to create a new ShapeNode.
  • DiagramLink improvements
    • AllowSplitLinks now works for Bezier links too. Users can insert a new Bezier segment by dragging any point (other than a control point) of a selected link. Adjacent segments can be merged back into a single one by dragging a tangent control point (square adjustment handle) onto a pass-through control point (round adjustment handle).
    • IntermediateShape shapes are now rendered at correct position for Spline links.
    • RerouteLinks.WhileModifying now works when multiple nodes are being dragged, either due to selection or grouping.
    • Fix for link visibility issues when folding nested containers.
    • The component no longer keeps a separate segmentCount field, removing a common source of errors. The SegmentCount property now calculates its value from ControlPoints elements. The UpdateFromPoints(updateGroups, updateSegments) overload has been removed too.
    • SegmentCount setter no longer refuses changing number of segments if auto-routing is enabled or the link is a self-loop.
    • The new Spline element of LinkShape enumeration draws links as interpolating splines that pass through all of their control points:
  • Shape formula improvements
    • The LocationForNode method of ShapeControlPoint returns current position of the control point for a node.
    • The UpdateShapeControlPoints method of ShapeNode lets you update the node appearance after adding new control points to a Shape.
    • ControlPoints are now saved in shape libraries.


  • RangeSelector integration - The Calendar control can integrate with the new RangeSelector component in order to implement a timeline in the Resource view. The new ResourceTimeline sample illustrates this integration.
  • MindFusion.Spreadsheet
  • Improved XLSX Import and Export - The ExcelExporter and ExcelImporter classes are now several times faster than before and the results are more accurate.