Oxygen Content Fusion の価格

Oxygen Content Fusion(英語版)のご希望のライセンス条件については、当社のSyncro Soft専門のライセンス担当者にお問い合わせください。

当社の販売価格は以下の通りです。 ログオンしていただくと、お客様の割引価格をご参照いただけます。

全てのライセンス (12)
全てまとめる | 詳細を非表示 |

Oxygen Content Fusion V7.1

Start License - 12-month Subscription (5 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

開発元パーツ番号 #: cfe-efs5弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541936

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 1,673,430 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.

After successfully placing your order, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Team License - 12-month Subscription (10 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

開発元パーツ番号 #: cfe-efs10弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541937

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 2,091,760 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.

After successfully placing your order, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Business License - 12-month Subscription (25 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

開発元パーツ番号 #: cfe-efs25弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541938

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 4,183,520 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.

After successfully placing your order, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Business + License - 12-month Subscription (50 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

開発元パーツ番号 #: cfe-efs50弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541946

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 7,669,860 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.

After successfully placing your order, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Corporate License - 12-month Subscription (100 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

開発元パーツ番号 #: cfe-efs100弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541939

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 12,550,670 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.

After successfully placing your order, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Corporate + License - 12-month Subscription (1000 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

開発元パーツ番号 #: cfe-efs1000弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541940

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 34,514,370 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.

After successfully placing your order, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Oxygen Content Fusion V7.1 - Renewals

Start License Renewal - 12-month Subscription (5 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541941

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 1,673,430 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.


After verification, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Team License Renewal - 12-month Subscription (10 Concurrent Browser Session) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541942

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 2,091,760 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.


After verification, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Business License Renewal - 12-month Subscription (25 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541943

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 4,183,520 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.


After verification, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Business + License Renewal - 12-month Subscription (50 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541947

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 7,669,860 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.


After verification, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Corporate License Renewal - 12-month Subscription (100 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541944

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 12,550,670 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.


After verification, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Corporate + License Renewal - 12-month Subscription (1000 Floating Subject-Matter Experts Licenses) - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-554689-1541945

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 34,514,370 (税込) カートに追加

12-month Subscription License. Floating Subject-Matter Experts License. - To continue to use the software after 12-months, you need to renew the license.


After verification, a License Key will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key is usually delivered within 1 business day.

Oxygen Content Fusion(英語版) のライセンス

In Content Fusion, there are two user roles. Authors can access projects and publishing features while Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) can only access review tasks.

The Content Fusion license covers a specified number of user-based licenses for Authors and predefined packages of floating licenses for SMEs.
