Oxygen XML WebHelp の価格

Oxygen XML WebHelp(英語版)のご希望のライセンス条件については、当社のSyncro Soft専門のライセンス担当者にお問い合わせください。

当社の販売価格は以下の通りです。 ログオンしていただくと、お客様の割引価格をご参照いただけます。

全てのライセンス (10)
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Oxygen XML WebHelp V27.0

2 Core License with 1 year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP)

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-whmc2弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540236

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 742,720 (税込) カートに追加

Licensed per Core. A Core means a physical or virtual processor within a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) that receives and executes commands. For a physical computer with a multi-processor CPU, the number of Cores is equal to the number of physical processors in the CPU.

After successfully placing your order, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

4 Core License with 1 year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP)

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-whmc4弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540237

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 1,237,940 (税込) カートに追加

Licensed per Core. A Core means a physical or virtual processor within a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) that receives and executes commands. For a physical computer with a multi-processor CPU, the number of Cores is equal to the number of physical processors in the CPU.

After successfully placing your order, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

8 Core License with 1 year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP)

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-whmc8弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540238

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 1,856,690 (税込) カートに追加

Licensed per Core. A Core means a physical or virtual processor within a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) that receives and executes commands. For a physical computer with a multi-processor CPU, the number of Cores is equal to the number of physical processors in the CPU.

After successfully placing your order, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

Oxygen XML WebHelp V27.0 - SMP Renewals

2 Core - 1 Year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP) Renewal

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-mwhc2弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540239

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 110,440 (税込) カートに追加

Extends your technical support, major software upgrades and minor releases for 1 Year.


After verification, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

4 Core - 1 Year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP) Renewal

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-mwhc4弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540240

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 184,250 (税込) カートに追加

Extends your technical support, major software upgrades and minor releases for 1 Year.


After verification, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

8 Core - 1 Year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP) Renewal

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-mwhc8弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540241

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 276,540 (税込) カートに追加

Extends your technical support, major software upgrades and minor releases for 1 Year.


After verification, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

Oxygen XML WebHelp V27.0 - Upgrades

2 Core Upgrade License with 1 year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP)

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-uwhmc2弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540243

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 426,580 (税込) カートに追加

Licensed per Core. A Core means a physical or virtual processor within a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) that receives and executes commands. For a physical computer with a multi-processor CPU, the number of Cores is equal to the number of physical processors in the CPU.


After verification, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

4 Core Upgrade License with 1 year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP)

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-uwhmc4弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540244

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 711,040 (税込) カートに追加

Licensed per Core. A Core means a physical or virtual processor within a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) that receives and executes commands. For a physical computer with a multi-processor CPU, the number of Cores is equal to the number of physical processors in the CPU.


After verification, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

8 Core Upgrade License with 1 year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP)

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-uwhmc8弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540245

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 1,066,670 (税込) カートに追加

Licensed per Core. A Core means a physical or virtual processor within a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) that receives and executes commands. For a physical computer with a multi-processor CPU, the number of Cores is equal to the number of physical processors in the CPU.


After verification, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

Oxygen XML WebHelp

1 Process - 1 Year Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP) Renewal

開発元パーツ番号 #: scr-mwh弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553554-1540242

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 92,290 (税込) カートに追加

Extends your technical support, major software upgrades and minor releases for 1 Year.


After verification, a License Key, download link and a Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date will be generated using your order details and sent to you by email.

  • The License Key, download link and Support and Maintenance Pack (SMP) expiry date are usually delivered within 1 business day.

Oxygen XML WebHelp(英語版) のライセンス

Licensed per Core. A Core means a physical or virtual processor within a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) that receives and executes commands. For a physical computer with a multi-processor CPU, the number of Cores is equal to the number of physical processors in the CPU.

Support and Maintenance
The one year Support and Maintenance Pack includes, unlimited technical support, all new releases, major and minor for one year. When you renew you must do so for all licenses and within 14 days of the expiry of your previous Maintenance Pack.
