Redgate .NET Demon (英語版)

Visual Studioでコードを継続コンパイル

Redgate Software 社の製品
2005 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。


Please note that .NET Demon was retired on December 3rd 2014

Red Gate has now stopped selling .NET Demon. This means that additional copies of .NET Demon, and extensions to support contracts, are no longer available.
If you have a license for .NET Demon, it will still work and you can keep using it for as long as you like, but Red Gate won't be doing more work on the tool, so unfortunately there...

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Please note that .NET Demon was retired on December 3rd 2014

Red Gate has now stopped selling .NET Demon. This means that additional copies of .NET Demon, and extensions to support contracts, are no longer available.
If you have a license for .NET Demon, it will still work and you can keep using it for as long as you like, but Red Gate won't be doing more work on the tool, so unfortunately there won't be any further updates and Red Gate won't be supporting future versions of Visual Studio.

Visual Studio 2015 will introduce Microsoft's new Roslyn compiler, with improvements which Red Gate believe make .NET Demon redundant. If you're an existing user, you can keep using .NET Demon with VS 2010–2013.

Redgate .NET Demon について

Visual Studioでコードを継続コンパイル

.NET Demonはコードを継続的にコンパイル、エラーが発見されるとすでに確認することができます。ソリューション上のエラーリストは常に最新の状態で、Visual Studioエラーリストで表示されたビルドステータスのインジケーターとエラーから、ソリューションの全般的なスタータスの概況を確認することができます。素早いビルドを実現し、Visual Studioによるビルドを.NET Demonによって置き換え、素早く作業できます。タイプするようにコードでき、それを動かすことを望み、そして .NET Demon がインテリジェントに変更のインパクトを分析、それがすでに編集されるようにビルド、根本的に変化したコードだけがリコンパイルされ、ソリューションをさらに素早く作成できます。Red Gateの.NET DemonはWebアプリケーションを開発でタブを自動的にリロードできるChromeのエクステンションであるLiveReloadともあわせて利用することが可能です。

Red Gate .NET Demon is available in 2 editions:

  • Personal license - For individuals, non-profits and companies with at most 10 employees.
  • Commercial license - For companies with >10 employees.

More information about .NET Demon

Q. What are the requirements for .NET Demon?
A. Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 (any edition except express)

Q. Will this tool slow the performance of my computer down?
A. The background compilation will use up your computer's resources, but your coding will speed up a lot. The change in performance will be minimal if you have a multi-core machine.

Q. Doesn't Visual Studio already compile only projects that I changed? How is .NET Demon faster?
A. Visual Studio compiles the project you changed, and all projects that depend on it.

.NET Demon checks whether there are changes to the public interface of the project: if not, there's no need to compile projects that depend on it.

Q. Do I have to change my work pattern to use .NET Demon?
A. No. You can continue using Visual Studio as usual. The only changes you will experience will be faster builds and the live feedback about compile errors.

Q. Does .NET Demon interfere with Edit and Continue in VB.NET?
A. Unfortunately, yes, VB.NET Edit and Continue doesn't work with .NET Demon. C# Edit and Continue works fine.

Q. Does .NET Demon work with Silverlight?
A. Yes, .NET Demon can compile Silverlight applications. However, getting the updated .xap file to the right ClientBin folder is not 100% reliable. Try right clicking on your solution, and using Project Dependencies to make your web project depend on the Silverlight project.

Q. How do I uninstall .NET Demon?
A. Installation and uninstallation is controlled by Visual Studio. You can find .NET Demon in Tools -> Extension Manager and configure it there.

Q. What is Neptune?
A. Neptune is the internal codename for .NET Demon.