Victor Image Processing Library (英語版)


Catenary Systems 社の製品
2002 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。

価格:¥ 103,510 (税込)〜 バージョン: v6.0e 更新日: May 21, 2013 レビューの平均スコア: 4.00レビューの平均スコア: 4.00レビューの平均スコア: 4.00レビューの平均スコア: 4.00レビューの平均スコア: 4.00 (2)


Please note that this product is no longer supported by the publisher. As a legacy product it is available for purchase but is no longer eligible for product support or maintenance.

Three Star

匿名 ご購入済みのお客様南アフリカ3 つ星

I purchased the source library for the first time about 18 years ago. It was (for the time) fairly good, doing most of the stuff I wanted to do with images. Last year I purchased the latest source library again, hoping that it would fix some of the bugs I had found in the original source, and didn't have the time to fix myself. The new source had all of the old bugs intact, and had acquired some new ones. I have now switched back to the 18 y/o source, since it is (although buggy) still better than the new source.