xSQL Software Schema Compare for Oracle について


xSQL Software Schema Compare for Oracle allows for comparing and synchronizing any two Oracle database schemas, generating a safe, target compliant synchronization script, and executing the sync script on the target database. The included schema snapshot capability, and the command line utility make this an ideal tool for automating the management of the database schema changes.

Schema Compare for Oracle Features:

  • Simple and intuitive interface: The user-interface, elements of which are shared by all xSQL Software comparison tools, has been designed for simplicity. The context-sensitive ribbon, action panels with clear descriptions, context-sensitive menus, all these elements provide a quick and easy access to Schema Compare functions and operations.
  • One-click compare: Similar to all our comparison tools, Schema Compare for Oracle Databases supports one-click compare via the saved sessions. A saved session contains the Oracle schemas, the login credentials, comparison options and other settings that allow you to repeat a previously-done comparison with a just single click, saving time and effort.
  • Plenty of options: A comparison tool is not much without options to tailor its operations, even more so when handling a complex database system such as Oracle. Schema Compare exposes over 100 comparison options that control every feature from comparison to scripting and execution. Options are organized into categories, with the more complex ones listed under the advanced options.
  • Standardized, version-safe scripts: The change script, generated by the comparison engine, includes warnings and a synchronization log that keeps track of the objects that are being changed. The version-aware principle of the scripting engine ensures that the change script contains only features supported by the target Oracle schema.
  • Html schema differences report: The schema differences report, generated as an Html file, allows you to explore schema difference or archive them for later viewing. The report provides filtering and other features that make it easy to navigate complex Oracle schemas.
  • Command Line: The highly configurable Command Line utility allows you to run schema comparisons in batch files or schedule them via Windows or third-party schedulers. A compact xml configuration file provides the command line with all the comparison settings, requiring nothing else.
  • Command Line Wizard: The Command Line Wizard allows you to manage the command line config files via a simple, wizard-based interface. You can also create command line configurations from the Schema Compare UI. The wizard hides the complexity of the command line and creates consistent, optimized and always up-to-date config files.
  • Schema snapshot: Schema snapshot saves the Oracle schemas, without data, in a file with a proprietary format. It allows you to not only maintain a history of the schema changes, but it also provides a safe way for reversing schema changes if necessary. Simply compare the schema to a snapshot of itself, taken right before the changes were made, and generate the script for reversing changes made after the snapshot was taken.