
  1. ExpressNavigationPack 17.2.7

    機能リリース: Maintenance release includes several bug fixes. ExpressBars Suite Ribbon- TdxRibbonStatusBar- The status bar painted by using the Office2016Colorful skin visually overlaps the right border of an application form, provided that the status bar's ...

  2. ExpressNavigationPack 17.2.7

    機能リリース: 不具合をいくつか修正したメンテナンスリリース ExpressBars Suite Ribbon- TdxRibbonStatusBar- The status bar painted by using the Office2016Colorful skin visually overlaps the right border of an application form, provided that the status bar's ShowSizeGrip property is False. ...

  3. ExpressGridPack 17.2.7

    機能リリース: Maintenance release includes several bug fixes. ExpressEditors Library Changing focused TcxRadioGroupItem from TcxCheckBoxProperties-OnChange-Event doesn't selects the new item. NullString is no longer displayed in a tcxcombobox after form is moved ...

  4. ExpressGridPack 17.2.7

    機能リリース: 不具合をいくつか修正したメンテナンスリリース ExpressEditors Library Changing focused TcxRadioGroupItem from TcxCheckBoxProperties-OnChange-Event doesn't selects the new item. NullString is no longer displayed in a tcxcombobox after form is moved to a monitor with a ...

  5. DevExpress VCL Subscription 17.2.7

    機能リリース: Maintenance release includes several bug fixes. ExpressBars Suite Ribbon- TdxRibbonStatusBar- The status bar painted by using the Office2016Colorful skin visually overlaps the right border of an application form, provided that the status bar's ...

  6. DevExpress VCL Subscription 17.2.7

    機能リリース: 不具合をいくつか修正したメンテナンスリリース ExpressBars Suite Ribbon- TdxRibbonStatusBar- The status bar painted by using the Office2016Colorful skin visually overlaps the right border of an application form, provided that the status bar's ShowSizeGrip property is False. ...

  7. Highcharts 6.1.0

    機能リリース: Adds live data URLs, pattern fills, smooth panning of wide plots on mobile phones and SCSS powered themes. Pattern fills- The pattern fill feature that was previously possible using a plugin, and is now a featured part of Highcharts, and extended with ...

  8. ハイチャート6.1.0

    機能リリース: URLからライブデータを取得、グラフをパターンで塗りつぶし可能、スマートフォンで幅広グラフをスムーズにスクロール可能、SCSS対応のテーマを追加 Pattern fills- The pattern fill feature that was previously possible using a plugin, and is now a featured part of Highcharts, and extended with more functionality. Pattern fills are ...

  9. Highstock 6.1.0

    機能リリース: Adds live data URLs, smooth panning of wide plots on mobile phones and an advanced stock chart dashboard. Stock chart dashboard- New advanced sample demonstrates creating rich dashboards for traders and analysts using Highstock. Live data URLs- New ...

  10. Highstock 6.1.0

    機能リリース: URLからライブデータを取得、スマートフォンで幅広グラフをスムーズにスクロール可能、株価グラフのダッシュボードを作成 Stock chart dashboard- New advanced sample demonstrates creating rich dashboards for traders and analysts using Highstock. Live data URLs- New feature allows setting up live charts in a ...

  11. Highmaps 6.1.0

    機能リリース: Adds live data URLs, pattern fills, smooth panning of wide plots on mobile phones and SCSS powered themes. Live data URLs- New feature allows setting up live charts in a declarative way, using no callbacks or function calls. Not only does it simplify the ...

  12. Highmaps 6.1.0

    機能リリース: URLからライブデータを取得、グラフをパターンで塗りつぶし可能、スマートフォンで幅広グラフをスムーズにスクロール可能、SCSS対応のテーマを追加 Live data URLs- New feature allows setting up live charts in a declarative way, using no callbacks or function calls. Not only does it simplify the setup, it also allows a dynamic ...

  13. Highcharts Suite 6.1.0

    機能リリース: Adds live data URLs, smooth panning of wide plots on mobile phones and an advanced stock chart dashboard. Live data URLs- New feature allows setting up live charts in a declarative way, using no callbacks or function calls. Not only does it simplify the ...

  14. Highcharts Suite 6.1.0

    機能リリース: URLからライブデータを取得、スマートフォンで幅広グラフをスムーズにスクロール可能、株価グラフのダッシュボードを作成 Live data URLs- New feature allows setting up live charts in a declarative way, using no callbacks or function calls. Not only does it simplify the setup, it also allows a dynamic chart to be ...

  15. Spread.NET 11 Service Pack 1

    機能リリース: Now supports filtering by Color on No Fill. Windows Forms- Now supports filtering by Color on No Fill, like Excel. ASP.NET- To reduce the view state size for cases with many hidden cells, new property AllowGenerateHiddenData can be set to false. This ...

  16. Spread.NET 11 Service Pack 1

    機能リリース: セルの色フィルターで塗りつぶしなしを選択可能 Windows Forms- Now supports filtering by Color on No Fill, like Excel. ASP.NET- To reduce the view state size for cases with many hidden cells, new property AllowGenerateHiddenData can be set to false. This property is much more ...

  17. SpreadJS 11 Service Pack 1

    機能リリース: Adds more spreadsheet protection options and diagonal line borders. Undo/Redo enhancement- In previous versions, undo and redo for custom commands had to be handled with multiple functions. Now the user only needs to define the "execute" ...

  18. SpreadJS 11 Service Pack 1

    機能リリース: スプレッドシートの保護オプションを追加、セルやセル範囲に対角線を引く機能を追加 Undo/Redo enhancement- In previous versions, undo and redo for custom commands had to be handled with multiple functions. Now the user only needs to define the "execute" function, making it much simpler. ...

  19. Telerik Reporting R1 2018 SP3

    機能リリース: Improves report rendering engine of all REST reports services. The report rendering engine of all REST reports services now uses dedicated rendering thread queue with configurable count. Fixed: Designers- Cannot grab the resize handle of container item ...

  20. Telerik Reporting R1 2018 SP3

    機能リリース: RESTの全レポートサービスのレポートレンダリングエンジンを改善 The report rendering engine of all REST reports services now uses dedicated rendering thread queue with configurable count. Fixed: Designers- Cannot grab the resize handle of container item when child item is adjacent ...