Highcharts Maps (英語版)

  1. Highcharts Maps v11.4.1

    リリースノート: Fixed a regression in v11.4.0 causing wrong min and max extremes for the selection event in column charts. Bubble legend with color-axis moved after redraw. Plot lines' HTML labels rendered incorrectly. The highcharts.d.ts type definition file was ...

  2. Highcharts Maps v11.4.0

    リリースノート: Added new option 'sankey.nodeDistance' and the ability to set 'sankey.nodeWidth' to auto. The same option pair is also supported by organization chart and treegraph series. Enhanced pinch zoom behavior to redraw axes and series ...

  3. Highcharts Maps v11.3.0

    リリースノート: Implemented native handling of the 'time.timezone' option, making the dependency on moment.js redundant. Added new 'colorAxis.width' and 'colorAxis.height' options, allowing absolute or relative size. Added new 'chart ...

  4. Highcharts Maps v11.2.0

    リリースノート: Added support for GeoHeatmap interpolation. Upgraded the build pipeline to benefit from new language features. Bundles are now compiled to ES2020 by the TypeScript compiler (*.src.js files), and minified by swc (*.js files). Added support for multiple ...

  5. Highcharts Maps v11.1.0

    リリースノート: Added support for tiled web maps. Added support for mouse wheel zooming. This feature is embedded in the Highcharts Stock bundle, but requires an additional module file for the Highcharts bundle. Added 'heatmap.interpolation' option for creating ...

  6. Highcharts Maps v11.0.1

    リリースノート: Added new 'xAxis.crossing' and 'yAxis.crossing' options which make it easier to create axis layouts for mathematical plots. Added new 'series.legendSymbol' option. Map drill down was broken for GeoJSON maps. Sunburst circular ...

  7. Highcharts Maps v11.0.0

    リリースノート: Added geo heatmap series type for showing the concentration of values on a geo map. Added flow map series type for showing flows or movements between points on a map. Improved the design with a clearer, more vivid palette, added contrast for text labels ...

  8. Highcharts Maps JS v10.x

    リリースノート: Adds native support for TopoJSON to the chart.map and series.mapData options. v10.3.3 Updated Jan 20, 2023 Features New in Highcharts JS v10.3.3 Added /es5 path for legacy script files on code.highcharts.com and in the npm package. Added new option, ...

  9. Highcharts Maps JS v9.3.x

    リリースノート: Improves map geometry by adding new MapView class. v9.3.3 Updated Feb 1, 2022 Fixes Fixed keyboard focus management issues with fullscreen change. v9.3.2 Updated Nov 29, 2021 Features Added support for Trusted Types, a browser standard for preventing ...

  10. Highcharts Maps JS v9.2.x

    リリースノート: v9.2.2 Updated Aug 24, 2021 Features Added internal support for Google Sheets API v4. Fixes Fixed stability problems with loading data from spreadsheets. Fixed a regresssion in v9.2 causing exporting not to work with styledMode enabled. v9.2.1 Updated Aug ...

  11. Highcharts Maps JS v9.1.x

    リリースノート: v9.1.2 Updated Jun 16, 2021 Features Exposed Point.doDrilldown and Axis.drillDownCategory as official API methods. Fixes Regression causing charts to crash some browsers where Intl was missing. Boosted rendering sometimes crashed with multiple different ...

  12. Highcharts Maps JS v9.0.x

    リリースノート: Improves security, accessibility and zooming for touch devices. v9.0.1 Updated Feb 16, 2021 Features Exposed Highcharts.AST and provided samples of overriding the HTML allow lists. Auto compute heading level for the pre-chart accessibility description. ...

  13. Highcharts Maps JS v8.2.x

    リリースノート: v8.2.2 Updated Oct 22, 2020 Fixes Fixed #13811, Point.partialFill didn't override Series.partialFill. Fixed #14356, offline PDF export failed for larger datasets. Fixed #14352, wrong button text displayed when chart initialized with a table. Fixed ...

  14. Highcharts Maps JS v8.1.x

    リリースノート: Adds vertical panning to charts, plus internationalization options for the export-data module. v8.1.2 Updated Jun 16, 2020 Fixes Fixes in Highcharts Maps v8.1.2 Fixed #13426, reset zoom button appeared while panning maps and the chart was not zoomed in. ...

  15. Highcharts Maps JS v8

    リリースノート: Adds marker clusters for map point series. v8.0.4 Updated Mar 10, 2020 Features New in Highcharts v8.0.4 Added new option, tooltip.stickOnContact, to allow the tooltip to stick when hovering it with the mouse or when touched. Fixes Fixes in Highcharts v8 ...

  16. Highmaps JS v7.2.1

    リリースノート: Added new accessibility options with more flexibility for customizing the hidden screen reader regions. Added feature to draw plot lines on radial axes from the inner to the outer radius of the main pane. Added support for combining tooltip.split and ...

  17. Highmaps JS v7.2.0

    リリースノート: Added new top-level option, caption. The caption has similar structure to title and subtitle. It renders a chart description below the chart contents, supports reponsiveness and is part of exported charts. Added support for multiple color axes for almost ...

  18. Highmaps JS v7.1.3

    リリースノート: Adds support for Windows High Contrast Mode. New in Highcharts v7.1.3 Added new 'minLinkWidth' option to sankey series. Added support for 'label.formatter' callback for plot lines and plot bands. Made chart credits accessible to screen ...

  19. Highmaps JS v7.1.2

    リリースノート: Adds new feature to vertically scroll plot area, plus improvements for waterfall and packedbubble chart series. Added new feature, vertically scrollable plot area. This adds native scrolling features vertically, and is enabled using the chart ...

  20. Highmaps v7.1.1

    リリースノート: Adds new chart types including Organization and Item (Parliament) charts, plus new accessibility features. Updates in v7.1.1 New Features: Added new option, chart.scrollablePlotArea.opacity, to control opacity of the scrollable mask. Changed default ...