コンポーネント / Infragistics - ベストセラー商品

  1. 説明: A single platform for enterprise app development for web, desktop, and mobile. Infragistics Professional includes 100+ beautifully styled, high-performance grids, charts, & other UI controls, plus time-saving productivity tools for developers. It ... 続きを読む

  2. 説明: A single platform for UX design and enterprise app development for web, desktop, and mobile. Infragistics Ultimate includes 100+ beautifully styled, high-performance grids, charts, and other UI controls, plus visual configuration tooling, rapid ... 続きを読む

  3. 説明: ASP.NET、Windows Forms、WPF、Silverlight、jQuery / ASP.NET MVC,iPad、iPhone、Android、Windows Phone 対応コントロールを含む総合スイートです。 Infragistics Professional は、Windows、Web、モバイル プラット フォーム対応のパワフルなツールセットです。テンプレートやチュートリアル ビデオなど、開発に必要な機能と情報がすべて入った高パフォーマンスなアプリケーション作成を強力にサポートします ... 続きを読む

  4. 説明: A suite of 100+ Windows Forms UI controls allows you to quickly build stylable user interfaces that deliver superior experiences. Infragistics Ultimate UI for Windows Forms is a mature, fully-featured Windows Forms product, with more than 100+ controls ... 続きを読む

  5. 説明: Master your enterprise development with speed, scalability, touch support all found in these WPF controls. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF includes the time-saving controls you need with the lightning-fast, touch-friendly WPF controls. Business and ... 続きを読む

  6. $$$$ | 購入

    説明: Web、デスクトップ、モバイル全てに対応するUI開発コンポーネントスイート。 Infragistics Ultimateは、デスクトップ、ウェブ、モバイルアプリのデザイナーや開発者向けの、唯一の完全なUX/UIツールキットであり、Design-to-Codeソリューションです。これには、アプリのデザイン、プロトタイピング、ユーザーテスト、コード生成を行うIndigo.Designや、デスクトップ(Windows Forms、WPF)、ウェブ(Angular、ASP.NET(Core & MVC) ... 続きを読む

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    説明: Quickly build fast performing Web apps. Infragistics Ignite UI helps you build data-rich, responsive Web apps faster. It is a complete library of Enterprise-grade JavaScript UI components including native libraries for Angular, ASP.NET (Core and MVC), ... 続きを読む

  8. $$$ | 購入

    説明: Flexible, advanced ASP.NET controls allow you to quickly build and style superior user experiences with stability and performance. Infragistics Ultimate UI for ASP.NET Web Forms helps you accelerate your app development. Build intuitive, full-featured ... 続きを読む

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    説明: Resize and reshape your forms and controls virtually any way you wish. ActiveThreed Plus is a set of eleven 32-bit ActiveX controls that give your applications the look and feel of popular interfaces such as Office '97, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet ... 続きを読む

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    説明: Give your applications the look and feel of Microsoft Outlook. ActiveListBar is an ActiveX component that provide users with the ability to group and categorize a variety of items for quick access. ActiveListBar incorporates a system of sliding groups, ... 続きを読む