Oxygen Content Fusion V5.1.0

4月 24, 2023


Visual Editor

  • IME Support Improved - Support for Input Methods Editors (IME) for non-Latin languages has been improved in terms of stability and performance.
  • Precise Presentation for the Surround Differences in the File Comparison Tool - The file comparison tool now better identifies and presents the differences produced by the surround edits. For example, it recognizes when a piece of text is marked with a <bold> tag and the comparison tool will only highlight the additional tags.
  • Order Block Elements With Keyboard Shortcuts - You can now easily move block elements up or down on the same hierarchical level by using the Alt+UpArrow or Alt+DownArrow keyboard shortcuts.
  • Image Maps Now Support Images Referenced Using Keyrefs - Image maps can now be edited when the image is referenced using a keyref.

Component Updates

  • Support for the deprecated protocols (TLSv1 and TLSv1.1) has been disabled.
  • Various integrated third-party libraries were updated to help reduce security risks.
Oxygen Content Fusion

Oxygen Content Fusion(英語版)



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