Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel(英語版)
Excel 用 XBRL アドイン。
Altova 社の製品
2004 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。
価格:¥ 116,160 (税込)〜 バージョン: 2025 更新日: Oct 22, 2024
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel shields reporting companies from the complexity of XBRL syntax. It makes it easy for financial professionals to generate EBA reports compliant with EBA XBRL Filing Rules, directly in an application where they’re already comfortable working: Microsoft Excel.
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel Features
Build EBA reports directly in Excel
Like other regulatory agencies around the world, the European Banking Authority (EBA) has standardized on XBRL for the transmission of data submitted by filing entities, to capitalize on the benefits of standardized data. For filing companies, however, the challenge lies in getting backend data into a valid XBRL format according to the EBA Taxonomy, especially since the employees recording...
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