ASPxHTMLEditor について


ASPxHTMLEditorではASP.NETアプリケーションに、Microsoft Word風の直感的インターフェースが搭載されたテキストエディターを加えることができます。(Microsoft Wordのようなツールバーやキーボード ショートカットも含みます。)WYSIWYG編集機能(ビジュアル エディター)に加え、HTML入力も対応しています。その双方が相互同期しているため、入力方法を問いません。エンドユーザーは、コード ビューに切り替えてタグやアトリビュートを一つ一つ直接変更し、ドキュメントを編集できます。そのため、ビジュアル エディターではまだサポートされていないタグも使用できます。また、優れたパフォーマンスを確保するために、クライアント側の機能性に対して必要最小限のコードを生成します。画像やハイパーリンク管理用のポップアップ ウィンドウなどの追加要素が必要になった場合、AJAXコールバックで読み込み、追加することができます。

ASPxHTMLEditor - User Interface  

  • Toolbars with Responsive Buttons - Two built-in Microsoft Office style toolbars provide easy access to all available functions. Just like Office, toolbar buttons and integrated editors automatically update their state or content, depending upon the currently selected text block. This works for all items – from the font name editor to buttons specifying text and background color. The toolbars in the ASPxHTMLEditor were built using the DevExpress ASPxMenu control.
  • Custom Toolbars and Client-Side API - If needed, you can customize the editor's UI by hiding standard toolbars and adding any number of toolbars that include existing or custom commands. When implementing custom commands, you can make use of the client-side API, which allows you to invoke any sequence of built-in commands like deleting text, applying font formatting, etc.
  • HTML View  - If you need access to the generated HTML code, or if it's easier to do something in code, you can switch to the HTML view, and edit markup that represents the current content. When you switch back and forth, server-side validation and synchronization are invoked. These operations are done via AJAX callbacks to guarantee the highest level of responsiveness. Note that HTML editing allows you to embed elements that currently can't be managed via the visual editor's built-in commands. And if you have text within those unsupported elements, you will still be able to customize its formatting via the editor's toolbars when in design view.
  • Built-in Context Menus  - When you right-click an object, the ASPxHTMLEditor overrides the default browser menu and displays its own menu making editing commands easily available. Depending on the clicked object, you get slightly different command sets. For instance, if you've right-clicked an image, you can invoke the image customization dialog directly from the context menu.

ASPxHTML Editor - Editing Features  

  • Text and Paragraph Formatting - As one might expect, the editor fully supports all basic text and paragraph formatting features.
  • Embedded Images - To embed images, simply click a toolbar button. This will invoke a modal popup dialog that provides two options for getting an image. One way is to upload an image from your hard drive to a special folder on the web site. Another is to simply refer to an image by URL. Whichever method you choose, the dialog allows you to specify custom image size, alignment and hint text. After an image has been added, the design view allows you to resize and re-locate the image using simple drag and drop operations. The image customization dialog is invoked via an AJAX callback. This means that less HTML code is initially downloaded to the client.
  • Hyperlinks - The functionality related to hyperlinks is pretty much the same as with embedded images. There are two built-in toolbar buttons allowing you to link or unlink a selected text fragment. You get an AJAX-enabled popup dialog that specifies the target URL and other link-related attributes. Finally, when you right-click a link in design view, there's a special context menu item making link cusotmization more straightforward.
  • Multi-level Undo and Redo Operations - The ASPxHTMLEditor keeps track of all operations, allowing you to rollback to an earlier version or to repeat the same customizations. You can either use toolbar buttons or standard keyboard shortcuts - CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y - as you would do in Microsoft Word or any other text editor.
  • Security Assurance - The ASPxHTMLEditor accepts HTML code, which is a way to initiate web server attacks. One very obvious method used in malicious attacks is to run a script by inserting it into an image's Load event handler. To prevent this, the editor implements smart script validation that removes scripts, if assigned. (If you don't mind scripts, there's an option to turn off this script removal mechanism.) Another potential source of harm is having links to images on other web sites. To avoid such links, the image insertion dialog allows you to download an image to the web site's upload folder. This way, you'll use a local copy rather than referring to an external resource.

ASPxHTML Editor - Printing and Data Exchange  

  • Pasting from Microsoft Word - As we all know, the HTML output produced by Microsoft Word is pretty lengthy. It contains lots of attributes that aren't really required to produce the same document view. When you needed to copy text from Microsoft Word to the ASPxHTML Editor, all those unnecessary attributes were copied. With this release, the HTML Editor control allows you to automatically eliminate these extra attributes and obtain cleaner and more compact HTML code.
  • Print HTML Editor Content - Printing the contents of the ASPxHTML Editor is now a piece of cake – just a single click for your end users.