DevExtreme Complete について


DevExtreme Complete from DevExpress includes a comprehensive collection of high-performance and responsive UI widgets for use in traditional web and next-gen mobile applications. The suite ships with a feature-complete data grid, interactive charts widgets, data editors, and much more. With DevExtreme, you’ll deliver amazing user experiences for today’s modern web browsers.

DevExtreme Responsive Web Development - DevExtreme can be used with different technologies and supports deep integration with client-side libraries.

  • Angular
  • React
  • Vue
  • ASP.NET Core
  • jQuery

Visual Studio Support

  • DevExtreme comes with application templates integrated into Visual Studio. Using these templates, you will create mobile applications more quickly.


  • AI Chat - An interactive interface that allows users to send and receive messages in real time.

Data Grid

  • Fast Data Processing
  • Flexible Data-Binding
  • Adaptability
  • Master-Detail
  • Powerful Data Shaping and Record Grouping Options
  • Integrated Filtering and Search Panel
  • Built-in Data Editing and Validation
  • Intuitive Record Selection
  • Column and Layout Customization
  • Data Summaries
  • Comprehensive Data Export Options
  • Optimized for Touch-First User Experiences


  • DevExtreme data visualization widgets allow you to transform data to its most appropriate, concise, and readable visual representation. All chart, gauge and range selector widgets can be composed into beautiful, informative dashboards that effectively convey information at a single glance. And as you might expect, the widgets that ship as part of DevExtreme Web Edition can easily be themed and styled to address any UI requirement.

Calendar & Scheduling

  • Multiple Calendar View Options
  • Built-in Resource Grouping
  • Recurring Appointments
  • Appointment Editing
  • Date Navigator

Pivot Grid

  • The DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript Pivot Grid is a feature-rich client-side widget optimized for multi-dimensional data analysis and ships with a rich set of runtime customization options so your users can quickly summarize business trends via its cross-tabular display format.

Tree List

  • Data-Binding
  • Adaptability
  • Data Editing and Record Validation
  • Record Selection
  • Filtering and Searching
  • Scrolling
  • Column and Layout Customization

HTML/Markdown Editor

  • DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript HTML Editor is a client-side WYSIWYG text editor that allows its users to format textual and visual content and store it as HTML or Markdown.


  • The DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript Diagram provides a visual interface to be used when you design new diagrams or modify existing ones. This control is available as a jQuery plugin and can be bound to external data. The Diagram provides more than 40 resizable shapes, which you can drag-and-drop onto a page. Shapes and connectors are highly customizable.


  • The DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript Gantt widget allows you to display the task flow and dependencies between tasks over a certain period.


  • The DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript FileManager widget allows you to display and manage files and directories for different file systems.

Form Layout

  • Multiple Item Types
  • A Customizable Layout
  • Validation

Data Editors

  • DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript Editors is a collection of more than fifteen widgets available as jQuery plugins. This collection includes Calendar, DateBox, Switch, TextBox, and many other editors that allow a user to enter, store and validate data.

Gauge Controls

  • DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript Gauge controls are interactive jQuery components for visualizing data on dashboards. They come in two geometric shapes: circular, or radial, and linear. Circular gauges, in turn, can be of two sub-types: regular gauges and bar gauges.

HTML/Markdown Editor

  • The HtmlEditor component is a client-side WYSIWYG text editor. The editor allows users to format text and integrate media elements into documents. The result can be exported to HTML or Markdown.

Map Control

  • DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript Map widgets provide interactive maps that can be customized by using different providers and data sources.

Web Navigation and Layout

  • DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript Navigation Widgets are client-side controls available as jQuery components. These controls help to easily navigate through your application.

Dialogs and Notifications

  • DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript library includes several HTML5 JavaScript popup widgets used to interact with an app. These widgets include notification widgets - Toast, Tooltip, Load Indicator, Load Panel - and dialog widgets. All the widgets are available as jQuery plugins.

Multi-Purpose Web Controls

  • DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript Form is an adaptive client-side control available as a jQuery plugin. This control represents a data object as a collection of label-editor pairs, where editors depend on the data type. You can customize the editors, arrange them in columns, groups, or tabs, and add validation to them. DevExtreme also provides other controls, like FilterBuilder, RangeSelector, RadioGroup, which are more specialized.

Data Export

  • The DataGrid makes it easy to export your data to an Excel file. Data is exported as it is displayed in the DataGrid: sorting, filtering and grouping are applied — while numbers, dates and associated formatting is maintained.

Theme Builder

  • The Theme Builder is a tool for creating custom themes based on predefined DevExtreme and Bootstrap themes.