ExpressGridPack のリリース

Released: Oct 12, 2017

17.1.7 での更新項目


ExpressEditors Library

  • cxRichEdit - Memory leaks when calling the SaveSelectionToStream method.
  • TcxButton - A button whose OptionsImage.Margin and OptionsImage.Spacing properties are set to -1 displaces its caption and glyph if the current DPI value is 192 or higher.
  • TcxButton - The OptionsImage.NumGlyphs property is initialized to the default value, ignoring a change made at design time.
  • TcxButton doesn't receive the MouseLeave event after destroying its handle in certain cases...

Released: Sep 14, 2017

17.1.6 での更新項目


  • ExpressEditors Library
    • cxComboBox - The Esc keystroke doesn't close a modal form that contains a TCustomButton descendant whose Cancel property is set to True after modifying the edit value of the editor whose Properties.DropDownListStyle property is set to lsFixedList.
    • cxDateEdit - A focused editor hides the year part if the short date format includes "MMMM" and the genitive form of the displayed month name doesn't match the name's nominative form.
    • dxTokenEdit - Selecting an item from...

Released: Aug 17, 2017

17.1.5 での更新項目


ExpressEditors Library

  • cxLookupComboBox displays a date-time value containing the milliseconds part differently in the input field and drop-down list.
  • TcxRadioButton is incorrectly painted at high DPI settings (more than 96) if the Flat, Standard, Office11, or UltraFlat paint style is applied.
  • TcxScrollBox - Pressing the mouse wheel and moving the mouse doesn't scroll the content.
  • TcxShellTreeView - The Folders[I].PathName property is not updated on renaming an item...

Released: Jul 18, 2017

17.1.4 での更新項目


ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • An AV occurs when invoking the Customization Form if a form contains the TcxDefaultEditStyleController component whose Style.LookAndFeel settings are customized.
  • Clicking a cxMRUEdit or TcxGridFindPanelMRUEdit control's button that has an assigned action does not lead to executing this action.
  • TcxGrid does not display the embedded RichEdit correctly when using HighDPI in version 17.1.2.
  • The Drag-&-Drop arrow position is calculated incorrectly when dragging an...

Released: Jun 15, 2017

17.1.3 での更新項目


ExpressEditors Library

  • dxBarCode - Add the capability to customize sizes of barcode quiet zones.
  • TcxCustomInnerListBox descendants - Changing font attributes causes the "Control '' has no parent window" exception in certain cases.
  • TcxSplitter - The Width and Height properties of the vertical and horizontal splitters are reset to the default values on calling the form constructor and changing the splitter's Look & Feel settings.
  • TcxTreeView - Calling the TcxTreeView.Items.Clear...

Released: May 30, 2017

17.1.2 での更新項目


Grid Control

  • Row Selection Improvements - v17.1 introduces the following row selection improvements:
    • Optional web-style row selection using check boxes.
    • Customizable check box position:
    • Data rows.
    • Group rows.
    • The column header.
    • The indicator or the first column.
  • A new mode that assists end-users with persisting the current selection during row navigation.
  • Optional synchronization of selected state between group rows and their child rows to help users make their selection with fewer mouse...

Released: May 16, 2017

16.2.6 での更新項目


ExpressEditors Library

  • All data-aware editors - The error icon is removed after another field in the same record has been modified.
  • All TcxCustomDropDownEdit descendants - The read-only editor's edit value can be modified by pressing Tab while the drop-down window is open if the Properties.PostPopupValueOnTab property is set to True.
  • An AV occurs on creating the cxMemo and cxRichEdit control instances by calling the CreateParented constructor.
  • Combobox dropdown not visible in Windows...

Released: Mar 28, 2017

16.2.5 での更新項目


  • Adds support for Embarcadero RAD Studio, C++Builder and Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.


ExpressEditors Library

  • Data-aware editors - Clicking the TcxDBNavigator control's Post button does not post the changes made to a focused editor bound to the same data source.
  • dxBarCode - An AV occurs when a TBitmap object is assigned a bar code control created at runtime if its Parent property value was never changed from nil.
  • TcxListView - An AV occurs on destroying the control in message handling methods...

Released: Mar 7, 2017

16.2.4 での更新項目


ExpressEditors Library

  • cxDateEdit - Day numbers painted in bold are cropped for certain fonts if the Properties.View property is set to cavClassic.
  • cxImage - v16.2 doesn't start animation of animated GIF images.
  • Data-aware editors - Cancelling editor's editing via a DBNavigator does not hide an error icon.
  • dxTokenEdit - The editor doesn't support spell checking provided by the TdxSpellChecker component.
  • Exception in TcxBaseInnerListView.WndProc.
  • Screen tip repository preview does not size...

Released: Jan 30, 2017

16.2.3 での更新項目


ExpressEditors Library

  • An in-place dxTokenEdit used in vertical grid cells doesn't display hints for tokens.
  • Crash editing value in color dialog.
  • cxCheckBox - "The handle is invalid" error occurs on setting the editor's width to 1, 2, or 3 pixels if the Properties.Glyph property is assigned.
  • Data-aware editors - Pressing the Esc key to cancel the changes made to the edit value causes incorrect error indication.
  • dxBarCode - Memory leaks when destroying the editor assigned to a TBitmap...