MindFusion.Charting for JavaScript のリリース

Released: Jan 4, 2022

V2.0 での更新項目


  • ECMAScript 6 (ES6) modules
    • JsChart distribution now includes a set of ES6 modules, in Scripts/esm folder, that lets you import the classes from respective scripts.
    • The distribution still includes ES5-compatible scripts located in Scripts/umd folder, which are transpiled from current ES6 code, and whose classes are exposed as members of global MindFusion namespace object as in previous versions.
  • Added FunctionSeries class which represents a series that calculates its values from a provided...

Released: Aug 20, 2020

V1.2 での更新項目


  • Axis origin - New property lets you specify the origin of a chart axis.
  • New SimpleSeries constructor override allows you to specify a list with tooltips for the newly created series.
  • New drawLeftFromPoint method allows you to render text which is left-aligned.
  • New Font class methods allow you to deserialize and serialize Font instances from/to Json objects.
  • New properties give you better control over rendering of labels in bar charts.
  • All series can now accept a simple JavaScript array-s as...