MindFusion.Charting for JavaScript V2.0

Released: Jan 4, 2022

V2.0 での更新項目


  • ECMAScript 6 (ES6) modules
    • JsChart distribution now includes a set of ES6 modules, in Scripts/esm folder, that lets you import the classes from respective scripts.
    • The distribution still includes ES5-compatible scripts located in Scripts/umd folder, which are transpiled from current ES6 code, and whose classes are exposed as members of global MindFusion namespace object as in previous versions.
  • Added FunctionSeries class which represents a series that calculates its values from a provided formula.
  • Area charts are now rendered relative to the axis origin.
  • API Changes:
    • MindFusion.Charting source code has been refactored and is now dependent on the following shared MindFusion libraries: drawing, controls, common, common.collections and gauges.
      • For projects that access MindFusion namespace from the global namespace, check the "Loading UMD namespaced scripts" section in Getting Started guide.
      • For projects that use module loaders, check the various "Loading ... modules" sections in Getting Started guide.