MindFusion.Charting for WPF のリリース

Released: Dec 17, 2021

V2.2.1 での更新項目


  • Added Microsoft .NET 5 support - The Charting.WPF distribution now includes assemblies for .NET 5. Locally installed assemblies don't show automatically in toolbox at this time, you can add them to projects either manually or through Nuget package manager.
  • Added the ability to specify custom grid line positions by setting GridType to Custom and assigning coordinates to XGridLines and YGridLines collections.


  • Miscellaneous:
    • Fixed segment clipping in linecharts for values outside of...

Released: Jun 22, 2017

V2.2 での更新項目


Funnel Chart

  • Funnel charts can be created using the FunnelChart control associated with a FunnelSeries providing data. FunnelChart inherits appearance properties from the base Chart class, and offers additional customization through StemWidth and SegmentPadding properties.


  • Set ShowCrosshairs to display crosshairs in RealTimeChart.
  • InnerLabelAlignment property of BarSeries lets you customize label alignment in bars.
  • ClearMeshSelection method lets you clear selected meshes in 3D...

Released: May 18, 2016

V2.1 での更新項目


  • Candlestick Charts - The CandlestickSeries class represents movements of stock or currency prices in financial charts. Individual values in the chart are specified via StockPrice objects assigned to the series' Values property. Candlestick bodies are filled using brushes from the Fills collection if ones are specified, or otherwise with the FallingPriceBrush and RisingPriceBrush depending on the difference between Open and Close prices. CandlestickSeries can be added to either LineChart or...