MyDraw の価格


当社の販売価格は以下の通りです。 ログオンしていただくと、お客様の割引価格をご参照いただけます。

全てのライセンス (2)
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MyDraw v6.1 Subscription

Allows you to use MyDraw for a specific period of time. After that period of time elapses, the subscription must be renewed to continue using MyDraw.

12 Months Subscription License

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553867-1498275

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 7,480 (税込) カートに追加

Subscription allows you to use MyDraw for a specific period of time. After that period of time elapses, the subscription must be renewed to continue using MyDraw.

After successfully placing your order, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software. Your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and your licenses associated to the MyDraw account specified during the order process. You will receive an email with your MyDraw account details which you can use to activate the software from the product activation dialog.

  • MyDraw Account Details

12 Months Subscription Renewal

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-553867-1498276

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 7,480 (税込) カートに追加

Subscription allows you to use MyDraw for a specific period of time. After that period of time elapses, the subscription must be renewed to continue using MyDraw.


After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software. Your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and your licenses associated to the MyDraw account specified during the order process. You will receive an email with your MyDraw account details which you can use to activate the software from the product activation dialog.

  • MyDraw Account Details

MyDraw(英語版) のライセンス

  • MyDraw Subscription allows you to use MyDraw for a specific period of time. After that period of time elapses, the subscription must be renewed to continue using MyDraw.
  • MyDraw has 3 versions:
    • MyDraw for Web - allows you to run MyDraw directly in the browser.
    • MyDraw for Windows - a native application for Windows, that allows you to use MyDraw on a Windows computer.
    • MyDraw for Mac - a native application for macOS, that allows you to use MyDraw on a macOS computer.
  • MyDraw Session is every running instance of any of the MyDraw versions. For example: a running instance of MyDraw for Windows counts as one MyDraw Session, MyDraw for Web running in a browser tab also counts as 1 MyDraw Session).
  • Each MyDraw Subscription allows for up to 3 simultaneous MyDraw Sessions.


55.07 KB
4月 2, 2024